Best time to build

Haswell and nVidia 700 will be coming out soon. I'd wait. And I think between 3am and 6am is the best time to build a pc.
Holidays. There are seasonal deals but the best payouts are around holidays. Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Electronic's Monday (New Years) are the big ones. But really any holiday will have discounts on parts. I'm banking money during the summer for Labor Day (which also happens to be around my birthday).
Depends on how badly you need it. If your current PC is in the process of dying, then you probably need it now.
Otherwise, wait a little while for the new CPU line to come out.

Just remember though, there is always some new stuff just on the horizon.
New series of parts are always around the corner, that's how technology works. Unless it is under a few weeks, I would say build what you can when you have the money to do so, otherwise you will always be waiting.
There's a slow rise in prices and introduction of new stuff at inflated prices prior to the holidays in order that they can "advertise" big deals. I used to look for February as mu build trigger as that's when Intel released their new CPUs..... but that "schedule" is no longer true.

Then there's the "bleeding edge" issue .... remember when everyone went out and bought new CPUs and MoBos an got bit by the SATA bug and had to wait for B3 boards to be released w/o the bug ? Then there's the new GFX carsd whic come out, everybody runs out to buy and then the new tweaked factory OC'd boards come out with fancy coolers and enhanced PCB's w/ big multi phase VRMs. Finally, ya ever notice that anew CPU comes out and ya see web sites publishing that 50% of CPus will overclock to this level and 10% to a higher level ..... those % creep up consistently till about 3 months after release as production lines mature.

Based upon the above, I usually wait till about 3 months after a new thing comes out.
There really isn't such a thing as a "best time to build" just like there really isn't such a thing as making a build completely future proof. The thing is no matter what time you buy there's always something better coming along the pike. Just like Haswell is coming soon, Ivy Bridge-E will be along shortly after that. Then you'll have new GPUs - the 7XX series (Keppler 2.0) and the new Radeon 8XXX series. Then you'll have new SSDs and power supplies, and so on and so forth. That's why I always say if you're going to buy now, buy now. If you're going to wait, keep waiting.
Thanks for all the answers.

I know there will always be something new around the corner, but I wanted to know if there was an imminent release that was worth waiting for. That or during a big sale I would argue would be the best time to build.