Best use for old SSD


Apr 30, 2012
Hi everyone,

Looking for some opinions on what to do with an old SSD.

I am currently using a 64GB SSD as my boot drive and to store a few programs and a 2TB HDD for data, games and larger programs.

I'm starting to grow tired of the size limitations and am thinking of moving to a 120GB SSD.

I've been looking at the Intel Smart Response Technology but am unsure if this would benefit me, all my programs would be on the larger SSD boot drive so I guess games could be helped by this.

The other option I guess would be to just use the 64GB drive as additional storage and maybe move the games I am currently playing onto there.

Is there another clever use for a spare SSD I have missed? And is SRT really any use when most my programs are already on an SSD?

Thanks in advance for responses.

Putting scratch files on the SSD (if you use apps that need them), such as Photoshop and other heavy editing/rendering softwares.

Or putting virtual machines/XP Mode on the older SSD (if you use virtual machines).
consider selling it to me :>
my ssd just broke down and i need a new one ;P
or just give it to a (lucky)friend or something