Best video card for under 350$

Adam Turke

Jul 13, 2014
I currently have a gtx 660 and I feel that I need something stronger for future games. I have an i5 4690k CPU. What video card should I get for under 350$
He's right, a 970 is perfect, any of the major brands make quality cards, I suggest going with the one that has the highest clock speed out of the box with the longest warranty.
The Gigabyte G1 and the MSI gaming models both overclock with the highest benchmarks however.

Should I sell my gtx 660? I also have an old amd a10 apu and gigabyte motherboard. Should I sell those too?

sell stuff you dont need to get some of the cost of a gtx970 back

it really is a great card and at a sensible price when launched

its a r9 290x killer as the 290x is far hotter,louder and draws far more power

the gtx970 has caused huge price drops on the r9 290x

and i still didnt even consider a 290x when i upgraded


NCIX is selling the same one for 330. I might get that one