Best way to connect PC to internet


Sep 19, 2015
So, my computer is very far away from my router. I am currently running a 100 ft CAT cable from my router to my PC. My PC doesn't have wireless built in, so what would be the best way to connect it wirelessly?
Dont remember if it was feet or meters but over 100 of CAT cable causes degradation of data transfer, wouldnt use wifi either on a desktop, try setting up a relay hub or router
How far away is it in linear distance? 100ft cat cable just means you're routing it around many things. Is your router dual band or single band(2.4Ghz or 2.4 & 5Ghz)? If it's within 30 to 40ft I'd say just buy a dual band wireless card(TP-link served me well in the past) and connect on the 5Ghz band for faster speed. 2.4Ghz works better over a distance but is a bit slower and gets interfered with by other devices.
Geographically, it isn't that far (but there are two walls in between). I wasn't sure if there was something that I could use to get rid of the cable running through the hallway.

so what would be the best way to connect it
The cable you are currently using.

WiFi is 5th on a list of 4 possible connection types.
100ft! you live in a mansion ? what standard cable are you using ? cat5e ? cat6 ?

edit: i run 15 feet of cat5e from the router round the skirting board and up the stairs.. all tacked in. without knowing the actual layout of your home if you have the cable tacked in and it's a similar colour that blends into the environment then i can't see the issue .

it's a 3 bedroom terraced house but yeah it's not that big . i just can't see the problem personally the wifi speed and disconnecting issues are enough to drive anyone to strangling someone with a cat 5e cable :lol: so considering the distance and the two walls between .. better to be creative as suggested by yourself and another poster above !

do you use cat 5e or cat6 @paladin ? just wondering if there is a speed drop with longer cables of cat 5e

edit: i don't actually have any leeway though with my 15ft .. apart from if i decided sit on the stairs haha
I use CAT5e, I have no speed drops.. :) I don't like using wifi on desktops because of lag when gaming, on a laptop web browsing its fine, even though I have a dual 5GHZ network here. my daughters PC is on Wifi, and has no issue but router to her desk is like maybe 20ft in a straight line without walls:)

just too many variables can interfere with wifi - some devices don't like certain encryption , wireless mode or channel! and that is without latency problems . there is a reason motherboards come with LAN ports and very rarely with wifi!

i can get a downstream speed of 42MBs where as the wifi signal with a dual band netgear wndr4300 even on 5ghz gets a range between 5MBs - 22MBs. and the ping is atrocious.

glad to hear you don't get speed drops. cat 5e is so cheap too i paid £3 ish for 15ft and it would cost double that for a basic wireless adaptor that gives me half the speed ! ha
The house is about 2000 sq ft. The router is located in the living room, which is maybe 15-20 feet away (geographically). The cord runs around a wall, up the staircase, and then around another wall then enters my bedroom and to my PC/XBOX. There is a good amount of excess cable, but I had a 100 ft cable and didn't want to buy a 50 footer. I am renting so I don't want to run cable all through the house, but we do have an attic space next to my room.

Also, I have a dual band router (AC1750 Tp Link).
Dont remember if it was feet or meters but over 100 of CAT cable causes degradation of data transfer, wouldnt use wifi either on a desktop, try setting up a relay hub or router

100 meters is the defined standard.
If you need more than 330 feet, you have either a VERY large house, or you have no concept of how to string cable.