Best Way To Cool This Fire Breathing CPU?


Mar 2, 2016
Ok so I recently picked up a bit of a monster of a CPU (BTW I know Ryzen is right around the corner but I needed something to get me by), the FX-8120. It's currently overclocked to 4.4 GHz and I need to know how to keep it cooler and quieter. My current cooler is the Hyper 212 Evo and with this my CPU reaches upwards of 55 degrees even with more than enough case fans and two fans mounted on the heatsink itself. What would be the cheapest and most effective option to keep it cooler and quieter?
CPU - AMD FX-8120 OC'ed to 4.4Ghz
GPU - Asus Strix RX 470 OC Edition
MOBO - Asrock 970A-G/3.1
RAM - 2 x 4Gb Sticks Kingston HyperX Fury
PSU - Thermaltake TR2 W0070 430W
Case - Phanteks Eclipse P400

The max temp of this CPU is listed as 60 degrees and I have to max every fan to get it to stay between 55 and 60. I need a quieter and more effective solution to overclock further
Hmm, TR2 430W for an FX and an RX470. Not sure you should overclock any further.

Evo 212 is pretty decent, but the included fan is rather loud, might just pick up some quieter static pressure fans and do a push pull config.

Other than that, you are looking at $75+ to get a better cooler, or $100+ to go with a decent all-in-one.

I was worried about my PSU initially but after doing the math and using power consumption calculator it's actually perfectly serviceable for my build even with high overclocks. What fans do you recommend? Currently I've just got the cooler stock fan+a Phanteks fan that came with my case in a push/pull config

Power supply calculators are unreliable.
Here's a review showing an a system with an 8120 drawing 242/579W at stock/4.65GHz on a CPU only load.
Add another 120+W for a RX 470 under full load.
Even at stock you'll be close to 400 W, which is pretty close to the PSU rating. And that's assuming that PSU is actually capable of supplying it's max rated wattage (many aren't).
The older TR2 series are not considered trustworthy. Tier 2.5 if you ask me. I have used them in lighter builds, since they are carried at Best Buy they are a convenient choice.

FX chips use a lot of juice. An RX470 is pretty light, but the total does get up well into that 80%+ of the available power. Your power supply is probably also pretty loud at this point.

Weirdly enough, it's near silent. Also, my CPU fans more than cover it up seeing as I have to max them out when gaming.

Oh alright then. So it's your opinion that I shouldn't try to overclock further with this PSU?
If you got out a watt meter and measured what the peak load was maybe. I like to err on the side of caution when dealing with expensive electronics.

Here is a teardown of the supply and what it could actually handle:

Not the best results ever, but a competent 300W supply.