Best way to create a 12V 8pin EPS


May 21, 2016
I ordered the following parts:

2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 v2 Ivy Bridge-EP 2.1 GHz
1x ASRock EP2C602 SSI EEB Server Motherboard Dual LGA 2011
1x EVGA 220-G2-0550-Y1 80 PLUS GOLD 550W ECO Mode Fully Modular

I messed up and didn't notice that the power supply only had one 12V 8-pin EPS. I need two. From the following options what would be the best solution.

1. Get a 12V 8-pin EPS splitter
2. Get a Molex to 12V 8-pin EPS adapter
3. Get a PCI-E to 12V 8-pin EPS adapter
4. They are all too risky.

Note: The molex or PCI-E adapter options can use two Molex or two PCI-E connections.

At this point getting a new power supply would be my last option, though I know it is the safest. My power requirements should not be an issue overall. I'm just a bit concerned about overloading a 12V line. I'm thinking if I can find a 2x PCI-E to 8pin EPS that would provide all the necessary 12V lines. I can't find one though. I'm hoping the experience here can help me find the best solution.

Thanks for any help in advance.
You need a power supply that has 2 , adapter or modding is the wrong way to proceed.

Send back the 550w and get 650w G2 , it has 2.
Outdated Information :heink:
Seasonic S12II 620 has what you need.


"The S12II Bronze Series, similar to its predecessors, is available in the standard ATX Form Factor and in wattages that are most common for a PC system. In addition to the all-in-one cabling design, the 520W and 620W models come with additional EPS connectors for IPC and server systems and supports both 6P & 8P PCI-E connectors for the most current and high end dual graphic cards."

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Power Supply: SeaSonic S12II 620W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($63.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $63.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-05-21 18:39 EDT-0400
Thanks for the feedback. I was originally looking at the 650W. I decided to step it down to 550W and didn't notice it only had one.

I went ahead with the Seasonic Archaic59 listed. Seasonic is a reputable brand and it was a good price. I needed to save some money to cover the return and rush fees while staying in budget.

Going to push the build back some but at least it will be right.
The G2 series you chose the first time is superior to the SEASONIC model , the G2 series is a new design based on the Super Flower Leadex series , the SEASONIC is an old design and much older model

EVGA models made by Super Flower are superior to SEASONIC.

I would have just gone with the G2 650w.

In fact the SEASONIC model being older was discontinued awhile back.
1 - 550 mm - 4/8 pin pin attached

Seasonic shows 1 - 8pin CPU for that model.

Click the cables tab.
