Best way to remove viruses

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Jul 1, 2014
Hey guys.

So I met someone by chance that needed help with a flat tire. Long story short, I ended up fixing their pc. So now they said they're going to bring it to me again to have the viruses removed. I want to know what is the best way to remove them without losing too many/any files. They said they did run an antivirus but there is still many viruses on.

Way too many to have one solution for you, but what I usually do when all else fails is use a Boot-Time Scan! Avast has one in the free version...
This is the second post I've made about a Boot-Time Scan in 5 minutes..... Oops
There are way to many variables to take in account for when trying to remove a virus or in this case multiple viruses. First advise would be to do all virus scan and removals while in safe mode and if you can help it try not to move files from your own PC to theirs using USB because you don't want the viruses to transfer to your machine.
Way too many to have one solution for you, but what I usually do when all else fails is use a Boot-Time Scan! Avast has one in the free version...
This is the second post I've made about a Boot-Time Scan in 5 minutes..... Oops
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