Best way to utilize these hard drives


Aug 18, 2014
Hey guys, I just build my first pc over the weekend. It was a newegg bundle that included Seagate Barracuda ST1000DM003 1TB HDD and a SanDisk SDSSDP-128G-G25 2.5" 128GB SSD. I also have a 320GB HDD and a 500GB HDD from a previous computer. My orginal plan was to use the SSD as the boot drive (which is currently my 320GB) and use the 1TB and 500GB as my data drives and retire the 320GB (which is the oldest of them all) and keep it as a backup incase something happens to the bootable SSD.

However after more thinking, I'm thinking maybe that's not the best option. Since the SSD is the smallest thought maybe I should make the 1TB the boot drive and put programs and games I use the most on the SSD.

What would you guys do?
With the size of todays games, most taking up 50 gigs, it means, after Windows is installed, you can only install one game on SSD. A game only benefits from being on an SSD if the game loads a lot. I have Dragon Age Inquisition on my 120 Gig SSD. I'm fine with the load times in all other games. DAI loadscreens annoyed me too much. And windows boots in 20 secs. That's the only benefit I've noticed with OS being on SSD. You guessed it, restarts annoy me.

So if you start your computer once a day and don't mind it taking 2 minutes, install OS on HDD.
Pagefile barely gets used these days since we have 8+ gigs of RAM so that's not an argument for Pagefile on SSD either.

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