[SOLVED] Best Website for purchasing high end Gaming PCs?


Aug 26, 2018
Hello Community - I am looking for a decent / trusted website where I can order pre-built high end gaming PCs in the US.
some of the other nice-to-haves is:
  • General reputation amongst the community
  • How soon do they ship (I've hear some websites are taking upto TWO months for shipping. Not really ideal for me)
For starters - I've come across this on my own after 15 minutes of googling. But are there better sites I can look at and compare?
If you really want to go to a boutique builder, go to a really good one, like Falcon Northwest or places like that. Too many places are assembly line builders and while they're cheaper, they're usually no better than building yourself and you get worse warranties.

Punkncat's suggestion is also an excellent one if you have one nearby.
Interesting. Can someone link an example of a Micro Center? I know tech and have watched a lot of build your rig on youtube..just dont know the logistics. I have my rig on Parts Picker - but Amazon has only 60% of the stuff. Would like to explore this Micro Center option.