Best Z170 Board


Looking at some boards to fit a 6700k along with at least 3777mhz+ RAM that will allow for good overclocking with a decent 3+ maybe even 5 year warranty, what would you be looking at? I don't care about price to much but under £200 would be preferable considering the CPU is only £300.

Okay thanks for that will check it out what do you think to the Asus Z170 - Pro, the non gaming version.
I checked the warranty on the Asrock and it is 3 years.

was looking at that one as well, but the ASRock looks better.
the Asus only got 8 phases, only 3 years warranty and is more limited in terms of fan attachment

Asus Sabertooth Z170 Mark 1 has 5 years warranty though and is cheaper than the Asrock...

doesn't run your requested RAM.
The specs I'm looking at say RAM up to DDR4-2400

No you are correct it doesn't support over 2400mhz