Bethesda Reveals Elder Scrolls Online Release Dates

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you guys might doubt this title, but I see it as a huge success for bethesda. this is the first "real" MMORPG to ever come to consoles. whether or not bethesda had as much to with this game as they did with skyrim, they would not allow a shitty game to be sold under their name. have some faith goddamnit *stands up in front of flag*

You must be joking.

Rage, Prey, Oblivion, Dishonored, Wet, Fallout 3, Rogue Warrior...

Should I go on?
Non of which were shity games, well dihounered maybe...anyway eso looks visualy very bad for this generation of games, games that are 4 years old look better only thing that can save them is awesome gameplay
This article reminded me of why I hate Bethesda games: the horrid mouse lag. Funnily enough, NOW I found that it was the Enemy, vsync, again:

Proper New Vegas, here I come. (Except that it should have been Van Buren, but I digress.)
I just can't wait for all that immersion to get sucked right out the first time I see someone bunny hopping, or doing some goofy emote, or chatting with all caps on, etc. etc....
I've enjoyed the Elder Scrolls franchise, but I'm so over MMOs, and I've NEVER paid for one with a subscription; don't plan to start now. Part of the enjoyment of Elder Scrolls has been the ability to enjoy the immersion of the world, the lore, and quests without seeing hundreds of morons running around in circles making stupid comments, dancing, spamming with item sales, and just turning the whole game into a middle school freak show. No thanks. Give me Fallout 4, and maybe even a new single player/co-op IP, maybe set in ancient Egypt, Rome, or something.
We understand you want some information on if we are going to offer buy to cheat items with real money. We would like to inform you that is it actually officially announced that we are not going to have a pay real money for better weapons, mounts and etc. In Matt Firors explanation of our business model and why we are going with the monthly subscription he does say that "We feel that putting pay gates between the player and content at any point in game ruins that feeling of freedom, and just having one small monthly fee for 100% access to the game fits the IP and the game much better than a system where you have to pay for features and access as you play". Don't worry though this is public information that you can and should share with everyone. In this interview is where we got that information. If there's anything further we can assist you with or you need more information feel free to ask as we would be more than willing to help :).


Dustin and The Elder Scrolls Online Team
Game is going to bomb and put Bethesda/Zenimax in a thq situation if here not careful.
Guild wars isn't subscription most will just stick to that and await fallout 4. IF Bethesda is still around lol.
Huge ES fan, but I couldn't care less about this. Just watching that video made me cringe - typically MMO PvP zerging. I still don't quite believe it won't delay release of single player ES games and for that reason I hate it.
Have you guys seen the gameplay footage? It's consolized garbage. yet it will sell like hotcakes because of the elder scrolls name and the fact that its on multiple consoles. If your looking for a decent new PC mmo you should take a look at wildstar.
I disagree elexor most are saying it looks like garbage and plays just about the same and to avoid it. That and a monthly fee and I think this game will bomb worse then the Star Wars one.

Wait, this is online? I was just giving them money because it had Elder Scrolls in its title.
A lot of haters on this thread who don't really have the first clue about things. Most MMO's fail to support subscription not because everything is going F2P. It's the other way around - so many games are going F2P becuase they in fact don't offer value. Look at EVE Online. A very very high quality experience with a consistent vision and continuous support in the form of updates and 'expansions'. ES has a massive following. I've played more than 120 hours of Skyrim becuase it is a game that always offers me something to do. If anyone here thinks that EOS will fail just because it's an MMO, you're seriously confused. It's totally possible that Bethesda doesn't offer value. But if they can replicate the magic of the ES series, this game will have legs. I will happily pay $15 for something expansive and engaging. It just has to be good.
"Worldwide demand for The Elder Scrolls Online is extraordinarily high," writes Bethesda's Matt Firor.

This usually means if the company gets out a regular plain old mmorpg in the crowd with nothing new, then it will fail after some years which happened to Star Wars the old republic, it got so much hype that when they realized it was a regular mmo, they had to go with a free-to-play biz model
Claptrap you have ZERO IDEA wth your talking about lol! 120 hours of skyrim? That's bloody pathetic and that alone disqualifies you from attempting to post a argument on this subject. That's total noob hours lol!
Elder scrolls is a SINGLE PLAYER SERIES
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