Better CPU or monitor?


Jan 3, 2016
Hey guys!
Should I get an Intel i7-6700K 4.00 GHz instead of an Intel i5-6600K 3.5 GHz or a 144hz 1080p monitor instead of a 60hz 1080p monitor?
Thanks a lot!
If you mean your upgrading from a i5-6600k to I7 6700k and its for gaming, its not really worth it. The refresh rate on your monitor would be nice depending on your current GPU. But both being 1080p will be a nice marginal upgrade

Gaming, maybe video editing and live streaming. I mainly play StarCraft 2, Overwatch, StarWars Battlefront and Heroes of the Storm.

I have a ASUS STRIX GTX 970 4 GB

I sort of like the better processor. My reasoning is that changing a processor is kind of annoying. I plan to go dual monitor later on so I can always get it later. Makes sense?