Better than phenom x6 1090T in same price


May 4, 2017
Hi... I've amd proc phenom x6 1090T on dead motherboard, i want use this PC again for graphic design such as Photoshop, corel draw. Gimp and Inkscape when i using ubuntu OS. Idon't play game or video editing.
So.., should i buy a motherboard Am3+ for use this 1090T again or sell that cpu and buy an intel cpu in second condition..
Any recomended second cpu from intel at the same price of 1090T second? Or i just still use 1090T?

Thanks for advice
(sory if my english bad :) )

For those general task, especially Photoshop, which doesn't rely on several cores, but only a few-- a newer Intel processor, or even an older one, will be just fine. However, I would be lying if I said the AM4 socket wasn't something you should consider. If...

For those general task, especially Photoshop, which doesn't rely on several cores, but only a few-- a newer Intel processor, or even an older one, will be just fine. However, I would be lying if I said the AM4 socket wasn't something you should consider. If you're just doing random tasks, I'd imagine Intel's i5 would get you by, but if you ever planned to do something like rendering.. Ryzen is a good option.

However, to specifically answer your question:

I've only seen the Phenom II 1090T for around 140USD used, as it's no longer in production for an essentially out-dated socket type. But, it's still pretty good. However, the Intel price equivalent (not including mobo, just CPU) at the moment is the i3 7300. And.. it's much, much better in just about every aspect.

The benchmarks here:

As you can see, in the "Workstation" score, it's not much better. But, by the single-core speed, Intel punches right in the gut. Specifically, that's something you'll want later on, given your tasks will be relying on only a few cores.
I think your choice would depend on your budget. If you are happy with your CPU with what you use if for, then a new motherboard is very sensible at this point. I am still using an FX-6350 and it meets all of my needs..sure, I "want" more out of it but I don't need more. I will be doing a Ryzen build soon though.

So, if you want to wait another 6 months to a year, and you are happy with your current performance, then get a new motherboard. If you can spend the equivalent of $500-600 USD, then I would strongly suggest you look at a new Ryzen R5-1600, B350 motherboard and fast RAM. It's about performance and budget.

Depends on a) your budget, & b) what's available (which depends on where you're at). The Phenom II X6 1090T is a fairly old chip by now, so depending on the market there may not be a whole lot of Socket AM3 or AM3+ motherboards out there. By the same token, if you're looking at a limited budget or need it to use secondhard parts, a newer Intel build may not be an option.