Hi... I've amd proc phenom x6 1090T on dead motherboard, i want use this PC again for graphic design such as Photoshop, corel draw. Gimp and Inkscape when i using ubuntu OS. Idon't play game or video editing.
So.., should i buy a motherboard Am3+ for use this 1090T again or sell that cpu and buy an intel cpu in second condition..
Any recomended second cpu from intel at the same price of 1090T second? Or i just still use 1090T?
Thanks for advice
(sory if my english bad
So.., should i buy a motherboard Am3+ for use this 1090T again or sell that cpu and buy an intel cpu in second condition..
Any recomended second cpu from intel at the same price of 1090T second? Or i just still use 1090T?
Thanks for advice
(sory if my english bad