Better Upgrade CPU+MOBO or GPU?

Kyriakos Kypraios

Oct 20, 2014
Hi. I'm from Greece and after 5 years of hardcore gaming my pc needs a little upgrade, but I can't decide on which part to begin with...I will be getting parts rgadually till I get the result I want. My current specs are
Gigabyte P55-UD3 rev.1
i5-750 stock
HD5850 stock
750Watt Power supply (brand new as the previous on died 😛)
RAM should be ok for what i need for now so i'm thinnking on upgrading my CPU on an FX-8320, my mobo on ASUS M5A99X EVO R2.0 and my GPU on a R9 270x. My problem is on what to begin with. My knowledge on overclocking is very little so I kind of want to avoid voerclicking my system on my own. My budget is hardly around 500 euros.
With a budget like that and no overclocking I'd either get one of the cheaper Haswell i5's, or a FX-6300 and a better GPU. Unless you do editing/rendering/etc, in that case the FX-8320 would be a solid choice.

I'd start with the GPU, it may be bottlenecked a little by the CPU but the performance increase will be bigger then upgrading the CPU.
With a budget like that and no overclocking I'd either get one of the cheaper Haswell i5's, or a FX-6300 and a better GPU. Unless you do editing/rendering/etc, in that case the FX-8320 would be a solid choice.

I'd start with the GPU, it may be bottlenecked a little by the CPU but the performance increase will be bigger then upgrading the CPU.
I would go with a new GPU first. I say this because you may also have to buy a new OS when you replace your cpu and motherboard. Is your windows OEM or full retail? If it is OEM(one install) it will be linked to your current motherboard. Not only that but the i5 750 is not too bad of a cpu, so it shouldn't bottleneck too bad on a mid range card like you plan to get.
You should change your GPU first, then later on you change MOBO and CPU. I'm pretty sure your gaming experience will improve by just changing that GPU.

BTW check this one out.

This CPU.

This mobo <3.

That's roughly 610 US dollars which is around 478 Euros if I'm not wrong. Happy upgrading bro!

No. You don't pair a 750 Ti with a 4790K in anything that's not a workstation, and even that's very debatable.
You're way better off getting an i5-4690K and using the hundred bucks you saved on a better GPU. You can get an R9 280 that way (or even an R9 285 or 280X). The i5 performs pretty much the same as the i7 in games, no need to spend an extra hundred bucks on it.

That mobo is very good though, that's a solid recommendation.

Yes, that would be the better move.

Preferably the i5 by the way, if you can afford it without cutting into the GPU too much.
Hi again. After i got the Gigabyte R9 280 and I installed it to the pc, I also dis a format and clean instalation of the Windows 7 Ultimate x64 (same I had before) and the pc started have some issues. With issues I mean, while I'm watching videos on youtube screen turns black and get an uxpected failure by the amd catalyst and the pc also feels like "heavy" and sluggy, I also tried the Smart6 ultility that Gigabyte provides in order to try the smart CPU oc but i get an error that it can't recognise my CPU which before it recognised. I really need help because I feel crazy as I did everything ok. By the way never updated Bios on mobo, if that's a problem.

If he has Windows 8.1 (and I believe 8), he won't have to get a new OS with an OEM copy.