Bewitcher? Became a Witcher 3 fan...many moons after playing Witcher 1 on PC....


Sep 1, 2021
So I've technically owned The Witcher 3 several times, twice on PC, but all my systems well -- they made the frame rate unplayable. So now I got a series S, I splurged sadly I only had the doe to get the Standard version, but still got the graphic updates and free DLC :). Anywho -- after being a mad MMO RPG player, The Witcher 3, truly is the king of RPGS, and I'm only 14hours in!!! Its insanely fun. And beautiful! Also I am playing on quality mode 1440p, 30fps. Which the fps part I didnt know until I ran across an article. Still seems to run fine to me! :)
I think WITCHER 3 is still considered one of the best RPGs of all time, same as SKYRIM/Oblivion and the MASS Effect series. But I couldn't complete all the quests in Witcher 3 due to lack of time, including the DLCs as well.

I'm currently replaying Mass Effect 1 though. CDPR's latest game Cyberpunk 2077 is still a technical mess, unlike Witcher 3 which was made by the same studio/developers. Not sure what happened to CDPR but they have lost all the talented ex-Witcher 3 devs these days.
Good game list. Loved Elder Scrolls! Altho - I tend to be more toward Oblivions story and Skyrims looks hehe. Mass Effect im going to try soon, again as well.
Yes, even I prefer TES:OBLIVION more than SKYRIM's story and game mechanics. Oblivion is just an awesome RPG. Some other good RPGs worth playing are the DEUS EX series, FALLOUT series, and Dragon Age: Origins /Inquisition.

Even the latest game "Elden Ring" has got a very good reception from the gaming community/journalists, but it's the same DARK SOULS-like formula. Not my cup of tea though, since it has the same punishing difficulty akin to the Dark Souls series.

No quest markers either, and some of the BOSS/Enemy fights are really insanely tough, at least for my gaming skills (I watched some walkthroughs on YouTube).
Yes, even I prefer TES:OBLIVION more than SKYRIM's story and game mechanics. Oblivion is just an awesome RPG. Some other good RPGs worth playing are the DEUS EX series, FALLOUT series, and Dragon Age: Origins /Inquisition.

Even the latest game "Elden Ring" has got a very good reception from the gaming community/journalists, but it's the same DARK SOULS-like formula. Not my cup of tea though, since it has the same punishing difficulty akin to the Dark Souls series.

No quest markers either, and some of the BOSS/Enemy fights are really insanely tough, at least for my gaming skills (I watched some walkthroughs on YouTube).

Nice! I love the RPG's you listed, even tho I wasn't a fan of the gameplay of Deux Ex, I still liked the story enough to watch the 2nd game on youtube in full. hehe. Fallout 3,Vegas, and 4 were my favs. Dragon Age is good too, I even kinda liked 2, considering you were in 1 city basically, it was kinda ambitious, but I see where it fail short.

Elden Ring, hmm gosh, I want to so badly try it...I know I will sometime soonTM. haha. But the thing I hear it doesn't have it manual saves, which for me is important in an open world game. :)
But the thing I hear it doesn't have it manual saves, which for me is important in an open world game. :)

Yes, it sucks that some games these days don't have a Manual save option. I also pretty much prefer having this option, but these days games only autosave via checkpoints. There are several latest games that do not have this feature, but some have like AC: Odyssey and AC: Valhalla.

Even the latest entries in the Far Cry and Borderlands series don't have any manual save option. Far Cry 1 and Far Cry 2 had this option. After that the gaming industry slowly went downhill, and most of the PC games these days are just basic "console ports", which made things worse to say the least. I don't have anything against game consoles though.

Nonetheless, for ELDEN RING, you can try doing this (ignore if you already know about this workaround). But this manual save trick might seem a bit frustrating, but there is no other option.

Source: Learn how to save in Elden Ring (March 2023) Easy Way (

You can manually save the game despite Elden Ring not mentioning anything about it. To manually save the game, you must do the following:

  • Open the menu by pressing Start
  • Head over to the Game Options tab on the far right
  • Choose the Quit Game option that will take you back to the main menu
  • The game will save as soon as you select this option
  • Load back in if you want to continue playing
Another blog recommends the same method. Source: How to Save in Elden Ring [Manual and Automatic Saves] (

If you’re looking for the Elden Ring manual save option, you’ll need to leave the game via the menu;
  1. Head to the System tab and
  2. select the “Quit Game” option.
This will save your game and send you back to the title menu where you can load up a different character, or access the game's settings.
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That seems like a nice work around for manual save for Elden Ring! :)

I want to try it, but I don't trust my PC's for it atm, my Series S would play it fine, but kinda waiting on trying it on a Ps5 at some point. :) Or Series X, depending.

Personally I've never tried Borderlands btw, but they made/working on a movie, with Cate Blanchett to say the least, and I'm interested. So I can see me trying one of those games, soon.

Far Cry...3 was my fav in that series. 4 was the last one I played/looked interesting. But in the end it was just so so. I think the next gen at the time amped it up, for people.

Yeah I'm playing AC: Valhalla atm, got 55hoursish in but made a new game to make better/different choices for myself, but keeping my old file. Other thing is one is a male/female file. So yeah I like doing that.

Odyssey was ok, but felt like AC WOW, hehe. Lots of MMO style quests which I love, actually. But yeah wanting to depart that for the time being. So after 18 hours I stopped. But it runs like butter on the Series S :).

Oh also installed The Witcher 3 on my entry Laptop this morning/afternoon. Gonna try to get the optimal performance out of it.
Hey, yes AC: Valhalla is really a good game. One of the best in the AC series, at least based on my own experience. I really love the NORDIC and Viking setting, and the story is also very touching.

The game is also graphically/visually impressive, and it even runs pretty fine on my potato PC on medium settings 1080p, lol. The game's story/plot is indeed very big though, and it will take some time to complete all the main missions at least, as there are a LOT of missions to complete unlike previous AC games, including SIDE quests.
Hey, yes AC: Valhalla is really a good game. One of the best in the AC series, at least based on my own experience. I really love the NORDIC and Viking setting, and the story is also very touching.

The game is also graphically/visually impressive, and it even runs pretty fine on my potato PC on medium settings 1080p, lol. The game's story/plot is indeed very big though, and it will take some time to complete all the main missions at least, as there are a LOT of missions to complete unlike previous AC games, including SIDE quests.

I really love the viking mythology/history. My only wish was that Ubisoft would when they see potential, drop the AC label, and do a proper historical/mythological rpg.
I think UBISOFT should indeed create a new RPG series, because the AC franchise is getting quite old. Not that it's bad for the company, but sometimes the gameplay formula gets repetitive. Some other stealth and action-based RPG setting based on a different theme would be a welcome change.

Nonetheless, I even loved playing AC: Origins. The way the game developers have implemented the importance of historical EGYPT was quite satisfying.

Ubisoft also released a
Discovery Tour in February 2018 for ORIGINS. It consisted of 75 guided tours, each lasting from five to 25 minutes. Developers actually focused on the landmarks featured in the game and the social traditions and the way of life of ancient Egyptians. I have not tried all the tours though, but it's really interesting to know about ancient culture/tradition.

Taken from

The tours feature "academic information curated by historians and Egyptologists" based on research from universities and institutions like the British Museum.

Discovery Tour removes combat from the game entirely, allowing teachers to show this portion of the game to schoolchildren directly. The team received feedback from people in the education field and designed the tour and its control to be as accessible as possible, and allow players to explore at their own pace
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I think UBISOFT should indeed create a new RPG series, because the AC franchise is getting quite old. Not that it's bad for the company, but sometimes the gameplay formula gets repetitive. Some other stealth and action-based RPG setting based on a different theme would be a welcome change.

Nonetheless, I even loved playing AC: Origins. The way the game developers have implemented the importance of historical EGYPT was quite satisfying.

Ubisoft also released a
Discovery Tour in February 2018 for ORIGINS. It consisted of 75 guided tours, each lasting from five to 25 minutes. Developers actually focused on the landmarks featured in the game and the social traditions and the way of life of ancient Egyptians. I have not tried all the tours though, but it's really interesting to know about ancient culture/tradition.

Taken from

The tours feature "academic information curated by historians and Egyptologists" based on research from universities and institutions like the British Museum.

Discovery Tour removes combat from the game entirely, allowing teachers to show this portion of the game to schoolchildren directly. The team received feedback from people in the education field and designed the tour and its control to be as accessible as possible, and allow players to explore at their own pace

Nice! well for me, AC-Origins thru Valhalla, wasn't really AC. Which is fine, to many degrees. If they'd drop the name/science fiction stuff, and focus on historical/mythological stuff instead. I mean imagine calling the last one just : Valhalla. That would have sold more so in the end I think, as it would have been a original game, and a step aside as a company from a brand that is a bit , old/tiresome/repetitive.

I also think Prince of Persia would have or still would make a better full blown RPG than AC ever did. One can hope.....

In the end the company I hear based just on youtube/blogs/redditt/ign,etc is doing terrible and doesn't know really what their doing. So I say, drops AC from the RPG genre. Do solo RPG stuff if you wanna try Witcher stuff,etc. And reboot Prince of Persia for this modern Gen of consoles and PC;s.
Hello again,

Yesterday I was trying to reply some of the Witcher 3 missions, and also browsed for some MODs at nexusmods site, and I stumbled upon this "Firearms" MOD. This looks interesting and I'm going to try this now, after reinstalling the game from scratch, with no other mods installed.

Using weapons and firearms in an RPG like Witcher 3 might sound a bit silly, but hey, at least there is some creativity in this mod. But the weapon's AMMO is scarce. This is the mod's description:

Firearms at The Witcher 3 Nexus - Mods and community (

"This mod adds a variety of flintlock pistols as a ranged weapon alternative for crossbows. There are currently 10 guns available and 7 types of ammunition at 3 tiers (that's 21 total & 27 if you include silver bullets!). Firearms as a mod has been designed to offer a different combat style, allowing you to use your ranged weapon for damage. Whilst guns are powerful their usage is limited by ammunition."
Hello again,

Yesterday I was trying to reply some of the Witcher 3 missions, and also browsed for some MODs at nexusmods site, and I stumbled upon this "Firearms" MOD. This looks interesting and I'm going to try this now, after reinstalling the game from scratch, with no other mods installed.

Using weapons and firearms in an RPG like Witcher 3 might sound a bit silly, but hey, at least there is some creativity in this mod. But the weapon's AMMO is scarce. This is the mod's description:

Firearms at The Witcher 3 Nexus - Mods and community (

"This mod adds a variety of flintlock pistols as a ranged weapon alternative for crossbows. There are currently 10 guns available and 7 types of ammunition at 3 tiers (that's 21 total & 27 if you include silver bullets!). Firearms as a mod has been designed to offer a different combat style, allowing you to use your ranged weapon for damage. Whilst guns are powerful their usage is limited by ammunition."

sorry for the delayed response, been away. That is an interesting mod. I like to get invested in story so even in Skyrim I tend not to have ever use mods. I did in Fallout 3/4 tho. I could see mods being cool in The Witcher 3, though. Speaking of got Netflix back for kicks, watching the first season of The Witcher series, not true to the books, still I find it more interesting than Game of Thrones, even at its best.....
sorry for the delayed response, been away. That is an interesting mod. I like to get invested in story so even in Skyrim I tend not to have ever use mods. I did in Fallout 3/4 tho. I could see mods being cool in The Witcher 3, though. Speaking of got Netflix back for kicks, watching the first season of The Witcher series, not true to the books, still I find it more interesting than Game of Thrones, even at its best.....

No worries for the late reply. There was no hurry after all. That mod is indeed interesting and creative, but it's not 100% perfect. I mean in third-person mode the weapon/gun animations and models don't properly show up on the screen.

Only if we mess with the game's FOV setting, things start looking better, but not perfect. Nonetheless, the mod is cool. I almost finished some quests by using the firearms.

Anyway, I haven't watched the first season of The Witcher series yet though. Didn't get enough time before, and somehow recently I forgot about this series. Worth watching ?
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No worries for the late reply. There was no hurry after all. That mod is indeed interesting and creative, but it's not 100% perfect. I mean in third-person mode the weapon/gun animations and models don't properly show up on the screen.

Only if we mess with the game's FOV setting, things start looking better, but not perfect. Nonetheless, the mod is cool. I almost finished some quests by using the firearms.

Anyway, I haven't watched the first season of The Witcher series yet though. Didn't get enough time before, and somehow recently I forgot about this series. Worth watching ?

Nice! I bet the animations in some ways look funny lol. So the Witcher series....if you forget about the books/games and just want Geralt (played well) in a fantasy world, its enjoyable. Just go in remembering those are kinda out the window. Also season 1 is confusing even for book/gamer lovers of the series, but season 2 IMO was much like Star Trek TNG like season 1 was underwhelming (but good) but then Season 2 was amazing. Sadly unlike ST TNG, I highly doubt the future is bright for The Witcher as they recast Geralt (henry cavill) with a so so - if not even bad actor (Liam Hemsworth)....also I hate after season 3 lands, (cavills last) I'm done, I'll watch it as a fan of his or else I wouldn't even support it. Hearsay says, he quit/walked away do to lack of good scripts that made sense to the source material which he loves. Anywho if you have/or get Netflix they are 8 eps per season, so its easy to binge and fun - enough =).
Nice! I bet the animations in some ways look funny lol. So the Witcher series....if you forget about the books/games and just want Geralt (played well) in a fantasy world, its enjoyable. Just go in remembering those are kinda out the window. Also season 1 is confusing even for book/gamer lovers of the series, but season 2 IMO was much like Star Trek TNG like season 1 was underwhelming (but good) but then Season 2 was amazing. Sadly unlike ST TNG, I highly doubt the future is bright for The Witcher as they recast Geralt (henry cavill) with a so so - if not even bad actor (Liam Hemsworth)....also I hate after season 3 lands, (cavills last) I'm done, I'll watch it as a fan of his or else I wouldn't even support it. Hearsay says, he quit/walked away do to lack of good scripts that made sense to the source material which he loves. Anywho if you have/or get Netflix they are 8 eps per season, so its easy to binge and fun - enough =).

Thanks, I will definitely look into the Witcher series. Yes, I have Netflix. I didn't know they chose Liam Hemsworth for the lead role, though I think he is coming in season 4.
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Thanks, I will definitely look into the Witcher series. Yes, I have Netflix. I didn't know they chose Liam Hemsworth for the lead role, though I think he is coming in season 4.

Yeah season 3 is done. Just needs a release window, an official one. Also thank goodness we have Cavill for this next one - or I'd be out already, most likely - lol.