That seems like a nice work around for manual save for Elden Ring!
I want to try it, but I don't trust my PC's for it atm, my Series S would play it fine, but kinda waiting on trying it on a Ps5 at some point.

Or Series X, depending.
Personally I've never tried Borderlands btw, but they made/working on a movie, with Cate Blanchett to say the least, and I'm interested. So I can see me trying one of those games, soon.
Far Cry...3 was my fav in that series. 4 was the last one I played/looked interesting. But in the end it was just so so. I think the next gen at the time amped it up, for people.
Yeah I'm playing AC: Valhalla atm, got 55hoursish in but made a new game to make better/different choices for myself, but keeping my old file. Other thing is one is a male/female file. So yeah I like doing that.
Odyssey was ok, but felt like AC WOW, hehe. Lots of MMO style quests which I love, actually. But yeah wanting to depart that for the time being. So after 18 hours I stopped. But it runs like butter on the Series S

Oh also installed The Witcher 3 on my entry Laptop this morning/afternoon. Gonna try to get the optimal performance out of it.