Beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO vs Sennheiser HD598 for gaming.

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Dec 29, 2013
I have no prior experience with any of these headphones, I just know that both of them are amazing for Music etc. I just want to know some opinions for the gaming side.

PS. DT990 Pro is the 250Ohm version
A 250 ohm DT 990 will need a headphone amp while a HD 598 won't. The 598s are more of a neutral presentation while the DT 990 is a heavy V shape with emphasized highs and lows. Some people find the treble of the 990s to be almost painfully bright. For only gaming the DT 990 is probably more 'exciting'. I haven't heard the 990s but I own HD 598s and still use them for gaming despite having better headphones for music. The 598 is light, very comfortable and has great soundstage.
A 250 ohm DT 990 will need a headphone amp while a HD 598 won't. The 598s are more of a neutral presentation while the DT 990 is a heavy V shape with emphasized highs and lows. Some people find the treble of the 990s to be almost painfully bright. For only gaming the DT 990 is probably more 'exciting'. I haven't heard the 990s but I own HD 598s and still use them for gaming despite having better headphones for music. The 598 is light, very comfortable and has great soundstage.
If you have a good headphone amp get the dt 990. They are slightly better than Sennheiser 598. If you don't have an amp get the HD 598. Since the DT 990 will basically cost 2x the HD 598 after buying amp and stuff. If you are shelling out so much, its better to put some more money and get the HD 650 or 600.

That said HD 598 are phenomenal for the price point. I am gaming with them and they sound pretty good. Some complain about low bass on them but just use the equalizer to increase the 30 hz level bass and you get the bass on them. Spatial effect and level of detail on those things are really awesome. None of the gaming tagged headphone can match them in that. They emulate the surrond sound without any software through their hi-fi sound-stage and imaging.

They are all-rounder headphones and you can use them directly with your smartphone and they look ok outside. You can use them while travelling they dont look goofy. DT 990 cant be used outside.

Also you can amp the HD 598 and their music quality improves after that. But w/o amp also they sound good and you dont loss to much quality.

I have Sony Xb 450 and they sound detailess and without instrument isolation and imaging in front of HD 598 thorough my smartphone jack..
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