BF1 AMD Machine Can't Handle Game


Dec 12, 2016
I purchased the recommened hardware so that I could play Battlefield 1 with smooth frames for enjoyable gameplay.

Windows 7
Direct X 11
Amd Rx 480 4gb
Amd Fx 8350 @ 4.0 ghz
16gb of ram @ 1333
Sandisk 120gb ssd
650 PSU
Asus 970 gaming/aura motherboard
Monitor has 1360 x 768 native res and has 60 htz refresh rate

The campaign runs like a dream, never dipping below 60 fps on ultra settings.
When i get into multiplayer, I had to lower my settings to medium then create a cfg file with all of the performance tweaks. I got rid of AO and AA. Next I changed my radeon crimson settings to supersample AA at 4x with ansiotropic filter at 2x, morphological setting on, surface opt on, and everything else that amd has to offer on to the optimized settings. Turned off v sync and forced all v sync and the extra junk off in cfg file. I did enable opengl triple buff to stop the massive screen tears i had.

I have messed with these settings so much that i cannot enjoy the game anymore. I can't play the game at a constant fps, of even 52. It dips and spikes so much that it feels too unstable to simply play. I have limited my max frames to 72. I have tried scaling my native resolution down to percentages that look like a nintendo ds, and it still suffers from unstable frames that can't even average at 60fps. Im so mad at the game that i cnat enjoy a single match. I love this game, and i just want to play it at 60 fps like it was advertised to me. I bought all of this hardware because it fit my budget, and it was the recommened hardware for the game. I have my cores unparked and everything. It still runs like garbage.

I will try that, and use a wired connection, instead of my tp link wireless card. Also, my res on the monitor cant do 1920 x 1080 because it looks like a blurry sandbox. All res past 1360 x 768 look bad on my monitor