BF3 causing PC to shutdown


Nov 27, 2012
Lately I am experiencing random crashes in BF3, sometimes after 5min, sometimes 4 hours in. I encounter a red screen and then pc shutdown, or I experience a quick stutter and then complete freeze forcing me to manually shutdown. I have updated my graphics drivers after encountering this issue, hadnt had a crash until 2minutes ago. Could this be game related? I play many other high end games and experience no crashes. I'm running an 8350@4.5ghz with 2 7850's in xfire. My overclock is stable in IBT (on Max), and over 20hrs small ffts test in Prime.

Any thoughts? Thanks!
MY psu is an XFX 750w Core Edition 80+ bronze. I haven't tried 1 gpu yet because I have found others with the same exact issue on the BF3 forums and some are using Nvidia cards, others are running single AMD cards, that is why I was wondering if it was an error created by the game, not my hardware.

Event viewer shows some 2 critical errors at my crash points earlier. They are labeled Kernel-Power, most likely because I had to force shutdown each time.

Husker, I looked at your post. Not sure if it is the same issue although I'm sure it could be, I don't experience crashes in any other games though. Maybe I need to try Farcry 3 and see if I experience crashes.