I have came across a not very well heard of solution to solve BF4 Lag and studdering. I have spent hours upon hours of research trying to find a solution. I tried all of the solutions on YouTube but none seemed to work for me. My PC specs are well above the minimum for the game and right around whats recommended. Why am I getting these spikes. If I turned on the CPU/GPU graph it showed my CPU spiking. Its not actually my CPU causing the issue, but my RAM. I really didn't think anything of the RAM, but as I was looking around my settings, I found my problem. In the about section of the settings it showed that I have 8GB or RAM installed, but only 3.97 are Usable. Once I looked around some more I found out that 4GB of my RAM is being reserved for hardware. That only lets my PC run off of my other 4GB and the reason that it says 3.97GB is because my OS. Well that's my Issue. If you think your PC can run BF4 on 4GB of RAM smoothly look it up on YouTube. I have done some research and come to find out, there is a lot of things that can make your PC do this. For example if your PC doesn't have supported RAM, If the RAM is not in dual channel slots on your motherboard, old BIOS, or there are just some settings on your PC that cause it to limit your RAM. Personally I have tried to fix this issue, and the only thing left is to call my motherboard manufacturer and see what I can do. Otherwise I will just have to upgrade to 16GB of RAM. Yes I know this is annoying but at least I finally know whats the issue. Hope this helped some of you out there who are also experiencing this issue. Any further questions just ask.