BF4 strange lag


Feb 17, 2014
hello! i am posting this with regards to my problem on BF4. I have an ASUS GTX 770 and i can play bf4 on ultra with frames well above 60, but whenever i look around i get stuttering and its not the mouse because when i play bf3 or any other game, it doesnt happen at all! If you have any fix for this or have experienced it before on your own, please share!

ok I'll be sure to check this out and get back to you on my results

Update: i dont think it is screen tearing because this did not work for me

thanks for the help, funny though. I literally just got my new Hyper 212 evo and overclocked to 4.4 ghz because i was told it was a bottleneck! thanks

No problem! So it's resolved?