BFG 8800GTs 640mb


Jan 23, 2008
I have a BFG 8800GTs 640MB that i have had since they came out. I paid around 460$ for mine. Where can i find another to SLI it for less then 100$. I checked ebay nothing...i google it but they want like 400$ for all of them. Any suggestions?
That sucks... I really wanted to go to SLI.

Here is my current setup. Would i notice a big difference going to like a 9800+? Or just a 9800 for that matter.
evga680i A1
BFG 8800gts 640
2x1g G.Skill
Actually I'm not sure the SSC version has the same number of stream processors as the regular 8800GTS 640 so you may not be able to SLi it with your current card. Anyway 640 cards have been disappearing since people who bought an original 8800GTS 640 see the value of running them in SLi. If you take a look on price watch the only cards listed are that SSC version at new egg, and this one at legend micro

You could also check your local craigs list as someone might be selling off their old card to afford something better. Running that card in SLi should give you a nice boost and be more than enough to hold you over until newer cards come out. Of course if you had the 320MB version I would advise you not to bother since the smaller RAM would hold you back in more memory demanding games.
I found one on Ebay made by Evga. Lets just hope i win the auction. 😀
I wouldn't think it would be this hard to find the same card. Why are all the stores Google finds still selling card for 350-450$ No way its worth that much.
I think it would make most sense to upgrade to either a 9800gtx/gtx+ (if you game at a low resolution) or a gtx260 (if you game at a higher resolution).
The are high because a lot or people bought them when they came out.
Now, everyone wants another one for SLI. There was also a rush on them when the 8800GTS 512 meg g92 cards came out. The G92 got great reviews and was the thing to have at the time. A lot of people ran out and grabbed up the last of the 8800GTS 320 and 640 meg cards not realizing that they were actually picking up the wrong card. So, they all disappeared pretty quickly.
Use the SSC version at newegg for sli, $160.
In sli, your older card will drag down the new factory overclocked card back down to its own level. You can always overclock the slower one. Other than that, it'll work fine.

As for buying a 9800gtx+ or gtx260 instead, it's a bad choice. The sli setup will significantly outperform those single cards for less money.

The g80 8800gts 640mb performs about the same as 9600gt, which cost $100. So it's not a good deal for single.

So if i could find a 8800gts 640 for around 80-100$ It would be a good deal? And if not then maybe buy 2 9600gt's?

What about these:


That is 9800gt. You can't sli it with your existing g80 8800gts. G80 8800gts at $160 is bad value, the only reason to get it is so your existing card won't be wasted. 9600gt sli will cost around $200 ($100 each), which is more than adding one more g80 8800gts for $160.

9800gt/8800gt sli perform far better than either g80 8800gts sli or 9600gt sli. For total of around $240, or $200 ar, it outperforms single gtx280, which cost $420. So if you're willing to spend a little more, 8800gt/9800gt sli is the way to go.

Here's factory oced version for $100 ar.

There's also factory oced 9800gx2 for $275, no rebates.
2 9600 GTs perform better than 2 8800 GTS 640s, but its not going to justify the extra cash.

If it were me I'd go for a single solution that comes close 2 matching 2 8800 GTS 640s, so either the 4870, 4850 X2, 280 GTX (4870 X2 might be too exp) would do you wonders. I would also look at the 260 GTX since it can be found for 200$ now, it will be a significant enough boost over the 8800 GTS 640.

Single 4870 don't perform nearly as well as other options. 4850x2, 4870x2, and gtx280 cost far more.

What does that even mean? How does crossfire on sli board make "secure future?" :sarcastic:
I have no idea what you guys are thinking. A 3870 slightly beats out a 8800 GTS 640mb and 2 3870s in crossfire, which would scale better than 2 8800 GTS 640mbs in SLI, can't touch a 4870 or a GTX 260. Also SLI'd 9600 GTs will tie the 4870 and GTX 260 more or less, but will most likely fall behind at 1920x1200 and above. For the money I recommend buying 2 8800 GTS G92 512mbs and put them in SLI for about $200-$240. SLI'd 8800 GTS 512s beat every card except for the 4870 X2. Not to mention you can easily set them to 9800 GTX+ speeds if you turn the fans up a little. I just built a system with them for my cousin and it rivals my system!
it just means that he has options, better off getting another cross mobo since they are soo cheap now. than to waste on something low. I've learned that. While the 9800 GX2 might outperform the 280 GTX, its min frame rate is almost always lower, consistently, which means the 280 GTX has better game play over all. Same thing with the 4870 :)