[SOLVED] Big problem with my laptop screen Lenovo IdeaPad 130


Sep 21, 2012

Since yesterday I have a problem with the screen of my laptop Lenovo IdeaPad 130-15IKB

It shows like that :


Today it worked fine for some minutes but after closing the screen the problems happened again.

I tried to connect the laptop to my TV through the HDMI port and it works fine.

Do you have an idea about the problem and how to fix it ?

You will be able to tell if it's possible to change the cable when you take it apart and look at it. It may be behind some foil or tape, but if it's in a removable connector on the screen you can replace it. Assuming you can find the part for sale, often times the whole screen assembly is sold as one.
Possibly a loose cable connection. Do you get any change in the lines if you gently squeeze the plastic border around the edge of the screen (sides and bottom) or open/close the screen to different angles?

Unfortunately, this will probably require opening up the laptop and systematically reconnecting all the internal connections that connect to the screen (both ends), to diagnose further.
Yes if I squeeze the plastic around the screen the lines change and sometimes the image is fine.

I finished by opening the laptop and I disconnected then connected again the screen cable to the motherboard. Now the image is better but it's always stable. Sometimes when I close the screen the problem happens again.

So I think that the screen is fine but there's a problem with the cable or how it's connected.

I don't know if it is possible to change the cable,

Do you know how to solve that ?

You will be able to tell if it's possible to change the cable when you take it apart and look at it. It may be behind some foil or tape, but if it's in a removable connector on the screen you can replace it. Assuming you can find the part for sale, often times the whole screen assembly is sold as one.