Binary multiple compares

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Nov 10, 2014
I'm looking for software to compare three or more {potentially corrupted} binary files, and find the similarities in the majority of the selected files, discarding the differences, and hopefully combining the results into a corrected file. As it is, I'm doing firmware forensics manually, and this is very time consuming for huge {> 2GB} files.
Ask someone to write you a utility for that. Input parameter - three text files (with hex dumps), output file - another text file. Read a line from the three files, compare, pick the line present in at least two files. Half an hour max.

And then - boom, the three lines are all different, and you are back on square one.

Forensic recovery of damaged firmware dumps.


I'll be more specific. Say I have four EEPROM dumps, form the same unit, each uniquely corrupted. It stands to reason, any data in common with at least two of the dumps is probably good. So, if I could find a way to automate the comparison, and output a consolidated file based on the likelihood of good data, it would sure make me and a few friends really happy.

Ask someone to write you a utility for that. Input parameter - three text files (with hex dumps), output file - another text file. Read a line from the three files, compare, pick the line present in at least two files. Half an hour max.

And then - boom, the three lines are all different, and you are back on square one.
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