Bios and CPU-Z Tell me different things


Jan 24, 2014
I have a i5-4670K and a MSI Z87-G45 Mobo and my first time overclocking I tried to overclock my CPU to 4 GHz and 1.1 CoreV. Says in the bios it's running at those settings so I wanted to validate that by downloading CPU-Z, which told me core speed is 3.4 GHz. I don't know if I overclocked incorrectly but is there another way to validate my core speed? My temps seem to be the same too so my bios may be lying to me.

Good point. Did you go back in to BIOS and ensure the settings remained where you OC them to? Then selected "Save and Exit"? You may also have to try stressing the cpu a little while watching the monitoring program. It won't spike unless needed.

Good point. Did you go back in to BIOS and ensure the settings remained where you OC them to? Then selected "Save and Exit"? You may also have to try stressing the cpu a little while watching the monitoring program. It won't spike unless needed.
Yep I checked in the BIOS that the settings were set and saved, it even said that the current CPU is running at 4 GHZ but i'll take pictures of my BIOs and CPU-Z and Realtemp.