BIOS and POST is not showing up and is inaccessable


Dec 1, 2015
i've tried doing what my manual said to do (pressing/holding DEL on start up) using F1,F2, CTRL+ALT+DEL and nothing happens

intel i3-4170
asus b85m-g
huntkey 700w
wd blue 1tb
3gb/s sata cables (not from mobo)
no gpu yet

1st time building a computer, i have also watched tutorials on putting together the hardware
If your pc isn't passing POST, then you won't be able to access your bios. Are you getting any error beep codes or anything? Is everything powering up? Have you double checked all your components for proper seating and cables securely plugged in?

currently using 8gb of ram

no bleeping noises or anything, and i double checked that all of the parts are correctly plugged in but i can only see that the cpu fan, psu and motherboard led are being powered up


i ended up spamming it with about 1 sec intervals but the screed still said "no signal", pretty sure that the vga cables are securely plugged in

I´d reseat everything, and make sure everything is firmly in their plugs/headers. When you seat the motherboard, screw it tight, but not too tight that it may damage the motherboard.

Follow the instructions from your manual, to connect the power buttons from chassis etc to the motherboard.

After the motherboard, then place your cpu in the holder, then the stock cooler.
Then 1 ram stick and PSU, PSU needs to be connected to motherboard obviously.
Then plug keyboard and mouse and monitor, and try boot without anything else, and see if you can get into BIOS.