BIOS File Size Does Not Match Existing...


Jan 1, 2016
I'm trying to update my BIOS and am running into a snag.

Update Method : ASUS EZ Flash 2

Issue: I receive a "File Size Does Not Match Existing BIOS Size!" message after navigating to the ,rom file on either the HDD or the Thumb Drive (Fat32 Formatted).

MOBO Driver Page:

OS: Win 7 64-Bit

I have seen a couple other solved posted that relate to this issue when 2 versions of the BIOS will different file sizes are posted however I only we one option for the BIOS 2301 Version I am trying to update to.

Appreciate All The Help In Advance
The initial bios file you download is zipped.
You have to unzip it to a folder, if you have not done so.
And then place it on the root of your flash drive, from the folder it was extracted to on your hard drive.

If you just moved the downloaded file, or copied it to the flash drive.
It is why you are getting the error of does not match existing bios size.
Because the file is still in a compressed zip format, and needs to be unpacked or unzipped first.

The file size error displays with the unzipped file.

I am using the bios updater, EZ Flash 2, not a dos updater.

Download is 966.76 KB and 2,048 KB extracted.