BIOS menu shows black screen with cursor


Aug 2, 2016
This is my first time building a computer and I'm have trouble. I was able to load Windows 10 and it work fine. Computer work great actually. But when I try to enter BIOS menu from post screen, it goes to a black screen with a cursor on it.
Could: i7 6700k
Mobo: gigabyte z170x-gaming 7
Ram: hyperx ddr4 8gbx2
Psu: evga 850w platinum
Haven't installed graphics card yet
Monitor is an older Samsung hdtv
I'm using an HDMI to HDMI connection.
Code on Mobo led shows Ab

Is my 'monitor' causing an issue?
Tried resetting cmos, disconnecting things, even reflashed bios through windows. No change.
That is often caused by using a TV as a display that can not display the UEFI BIOS screen resolution. The only resolution supported by UEFI is 1280X1024.