BIOS option for "Video OpROM Policy" and UEFI

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Jun 18, 2014
In the BIOS when "Launch Video OpROM Policy" is set to "UEFI only" the machine doesn't load and goes straight back to the bios.
Any ideas why it might be doing this?

Found under "CSM" in the "Boot" tab of the BIOS
The other option is "Legacy only"

Windows 8.1
ASRock Z97 Extreme4
Intel i5 4670k
Graphics on chip

Thank you
Since the partition style is MBR, it does mean a legacy installation of windows.

If you want to install UEFI Windows with secure boot, you will need to switch the "CSM" Option Rom Policy to UEFI Only, then save an reboot, and enter setup again, then set CSM to "disabled" and goto the security page and enroll keys and then enable secure boot. Then you would would be able to install windows in Secure Boot mode.
The "CSM" stands for the Compatibility Support Module, and the "Launch Video OpROM Policy" is used to determine what type of option roms can execute.

I see that your board has D-Sub, DVI-D, HDMI, DisplayPort connectors. Which connector is your monitor attached to? Can you try attaching your monitor to another one of video outputs? For example, if you are connected via display port, can you try connecting via HDMI, or to the D-Sub to see if you can get video then?

When you say "the machine doesn't load and goes stright back to the bios", do you know how your Windows 8.1 was installed? If it was installed in legacy mode and not in UEFI mode, then you cannot use the "UEFI only" for the video oprom policy. Legacy windows 8.1 requires that you have legacy video information available, and "UEFI only" will not install the legacy video information.

Hi, Thank you for your reply, the monitor will only connect to one of the ports. There is no issue with getting video, my aim was to use secure boot, I read that CSM could not have 'legacy' settings when using secure boot, so I wanted to switch them to UEFI, but when I change the Video setting, save & exit, instead of loading windows it goes back to the bios.
I think the system was installed in legacy mode, as the 'Computer Management' Disc Properties window says the disc has a Partition style in MBR, and I read that this means it is legacy mode, is this correct?

Does this mean that I need to re-install Windows if I wish to use secure boot?

As UEFI is a fairly new technology, and may have loop holes / bugs, is UEFI with secure boot still a more secure option than legacy BIOS?
Since the partition style is MBR, it does mean a legacy installation of windows.

If you want to install UEFI Windows with secure boot, you will need to switch the "CSM" Option Rom Policy to UEFI Only, then save an reboot, and enter setup again, then set CSM to "disabled" and goto the security page and enroll keys and then enable secure boot. Then you would would be able to install windows in Secure Boot mode.
Thank you very much for the helpful answer.
As a side note, on my board i found that to save and exit between settings wasn't needed for the other settings to be available, and when i set SecureBoot to enabled there was a message that implied the keys were there already. I guess it is different for different boards and different makes.
Many Thanks for your help
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