BIOS says CPU temp is 60C, but my MOBOS temp program says it is 30C

I havent used realtemp but Ive used Speedfan, HWMonitor, my MOBOS software to monitor, Coretemp, almost all the good ones, also AMD OD whice gives me the most accurate "thermal margin" reading which is always much higher (thermal margin, higher is better, thermal margin in the temp until throttle or shut down and my APU is rated for 74C and when my MOBO says my temp is 60C, my thermal margin on AMD OD is 65C which means my CPU is only 10C) IDK.. but those are the facts
your max operating temp as rated by amd (in your case 74C) is not necessarily the temperature that the computer will shut down or throttle at. That temperature is just basically the maximum SAFE OPERATING temperature. I believe the thermal margin goes to the absolute maximum temp before shutdown which might be up to 95 or 100C. I also have an amd APU (A10-7850k) and many temp sensors such as HWMonitor, Core Temp, and SPECCY are incorrect in their temp readings. I use HW Info which is more accurate and is updated for the new Kaveri, as well as AMD OverDrive to monitor my temps.