That computer has a 95W CPU limit. It MIGHT be possible to OC if you can find an unlocked CPU that respects that limit using Throttlestop 8.00 software. G3258 comes to mind. It's a fast 2 core and Hyperthreading works fairly well also but it's the wrong socket.. Results will depend on whether or not TS can get control of voltage with the chipset on the CPU. It worked in LGA775 as you can see in my sig. i7 2600Pro 3.40 is fastest CPU listed by Dell. There might be some LGA 1150 Xeons out there. I would get Throttlestop (it's free) and see what settings you can get to work for you, then go from there. There were some unlocked Xeons but I think they were 6 cores. You're mostly on your own with this one though. I'm curious what OC...