I didn't know where else to put this as it's a bit complicated of a post.
it involves a few different things, I bought my pc may 1st 2023 I paid quite alot for a pc without a gpu ($2200) as I had one already but just upgraded to a 4070ti super (just getting the cost out of the way so it hopefully makes sense)
I have $3100+|into the tower which leads to the issue , I've had problems with this pc since I bought it, (overheating, programs dissappear, network not working several issues)
no response from the pc company i bought it from, you all helped me fix a couple of the issues (thank you) so onto the issue.
I had the free Windows 11 pro upgrade and it was the last day for it so I decided to upgrade, everything was great no issues but I had a chipset upgrade i couldn't do unless I upgraded the bios so I did that and then I couldn't use my pin to get into the pc i had to use Microsoft password, I did all the walk arounds to fix it but without success so I had to reset windows which deleted my windows activation key, this pc even though I paid so much for it did not come with the activation key and the company wouldn't respond so I had to buy one ($211.00)
So onto the bios , both build numbers are the same 3405 but the one in hwinfo says bios date 2023, the one on Asus website says 2024, why are the dates different but build numbers the same?
is the pc good if the dates in the bios dont match or would I definitely know if something was wrong with the bios? im confused (im a stroke survivor so I have memory/ thought issues)
have you all heard of a bios deleting a windows key and have you ever heard of a pc not coming with an activation key?
I'm currently trying to get refunded for the windows key but they aren't responding so im curious, if i can't get reimbursed do I risk legal trouble if I call them or publicly with all the issues I've had with this thing when they are supposed to have a year warranty on everything? $211.00 dollars is alot for me to have to drop right then and there being disabled
My main question is about the bios deactivating windows key and the bios dates not matching if you all dont want to comment in the company issue.
View: https://imgur.com/gallery/vCY6NJE
it involves a few different things, I bought my pc may 1st 2023 I paid quite alot for a pc without a gpu ($2200) as I had one already but just upgraded to a 4070ti super (just getting the cost out of the way so it hopefully makes sense)
I have $3100+|into the tower which leads to the issue , I've had problems with this pc since I bought it, (overheating, programs dissappear, network not working several issues)
no response from the pc company i bought it from, you all helped me fix a couple of the issues (thank you) so onto the issue.
I had the free Windows 11 pro upgrade and it was the last day for it so I decided to upgrade, everything was great no issues but I had a chipset upgrade i couldn't do unless I upgraded the bios so I did that and then I couldn't use my pin to get into the pc i had to use Microsoft password, I did all the walk arounds to fix it but without success so I had to reset windows which deleted my windows activation key, this pc even though I paid so much for it did not come with the activation key and the company wouldn't respond so I had to buy one ($211.00)
So onto the bios , both build numbers are the same 3405 but the one in hwinfo says bios date 2023, the one on Asus website says 2024, why are the dates different but build numbers the same?
is the pc good if the dates in the bios dont match or would I definitely know if something was wrong with the bios? im confused (im a stroke survivor so I have memory/ thought issues)
have you all heard of a bios deleting a windows key and have you ever heard of a pc not coming with an activation key?
I'm currently trying to get refunded for the windows key but they aren't responding so im curious, if i can't get reimbursed do I risk legal trouble if I call them or publicly with all the issues I've had with this thing when they are supposed to have a year warranty on everything? $211.00 dollars is alot for me to have to drop right then and there being disabled
My main question is about the bios deactivating windows key and the bios dates not matching if you all dont want to comment in the company issue.
View: https://imgur.com/gallery/vCY6NJE