BIOS Update Failure


Dec 10, 2013
Computer: HP Pavilion P7 1126s
Motherboard: AAHD3-HB

Well recently an update from HP updates came up. It included a BIOS update. Normally I don't do those type of updates, try to stay off them, but this computer was getting old (2-3 years), and was slowly lacking even in speed.
I gave it a shot, and I guess I shouldn't have.

After it finished, it told me to reboot. After I did this, my computer stopped booting up. I removed CMOS Battery and tried, this time booting up with no response on screen. I removed it and kept it out longer, and this time it lead to this screen:


I turned off, tried again and back to no response. After removing the battery this time, I stripped the motherboard and only have 1 Stick of RAM. Now the only thing that is connected is the motherboard, PSU, and usbs.

I do have the keyboard plugged in(USB), but it seems like no power is coming to the ports. I tested my iphone cable to charge and it didn't respond.

I rebooted this time and got that same screen again. Now I am stuck to what I can try.

Any ideas?
I am not finding the jumper. None of the pins have the default look covered. Would it be either one of these: CMOS+PW or Rom_Recovery. Rom recovery has 8 pins with a middle one missing, so it isn't that one, and CMOS+PW has 4 covers out of 6 pins, not two out of 6. Any idea where this jumper is located? It looks the same as the picture but no pins with covers like the tutorial
If you cant get it up with a cmos reset you are likely fubard. For future reference; On a branded (or most often any pc) the bios update will have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (sorry to shout) to do with the speed drop off, and that speed can be brought back using Ccleaner;(use it and you will see why).. Which is free,
And dont let anybody smooth talk you out of $ for telling you. Once loaded its toolbox gear.
Well I did the jump, and didn't work. I did it again, removed the keyboard and it came up with the exact same error. It is really strange since the keyboard wasn't plugged in this time.
Sorry but it says Time error stuff, Can you acces the bios? if so try to change the time. It can do the trick. also NEVER UPDATE BIOS IF YOUR SYSTEM WORKS FINE (Sorry for the shout ;( ) I recently lost my pc because of it.