Biostar motherboards any good? (Ryzen 5)


Sep 15, 2014
Looking for a budget MOBO to pair with Ryzen 5 1600. I was thinking about the MSI B350m gaming pro or the ASRock AB350M-HDV. But found a crossfire compatible Biostar mobo with am4 chipset for 85$ usd,%20LLC-_-na-_-na-_-na&cm_sp=&AID=10446076&PID=3938566&SID=

Is this brand known for having mediocre MOBO's? or is it a good choice???
having crossfire would make upgrading gpu down the road easier, as I would only have to buy another 480/580 (Whichever I end up buying)
As Rouge stated Biostar is on the very low end/budget side. I would recommend going with an MSI or ASUS or Gigabyte in terms of the best quality overall you can get. AsRock if you're wanting to save alittle money, they are decent. Biostar is a no-go in my opinion.

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