[citation][nom]jakelangelier[/nom]@dark_Knight33, OMG graphics are really not that good. Of course it loads fast. But it looks like WOW. Seriously, after trying the BETA im thinking about cancelling my Pre-Order...i hope it's not too late...I wasn't impressed at all by the game.ps: Characters customization is really limited. Kind of a suprise from Bioware.[/citation]
I disagree. They aren't OMG graphics (in-game), but they are better than wow. Depth of field, Anti-Aliasing, less "pointy" edges on characters, clothing flows well with movement, etc. It's not crysis, but it's also an MMO and has a lot more area that it has to keep active at once. The eye candy is more subtle than OMG motion-cap faces, but it's there, and it definitely edges out wow.
Is the game a "wow killer"? I don't think such a thing exists. No, the genre is too different; SW isn't everyone's favorite thing. It simply won't have the same playerbase. Not to mention, 7 years in, many are quite established in wow and won't leave for anything. If wow were coming out now vs already being successful, I think it would have a harder time competing against SWTOR, but the games are just too different to share the same audience. Really, the massively multiplayer aspect is the only common component between the two. The games are starkly different beyond that.
Comparing them is like comparing Mass Effect 3 with Battlefield 3. Both have multiplayer, both have "shooting", but both are vastly different experiences.