BioWare Hacked via Neverwinter Nights Forums

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[citation][nom]whysobluepandabear[/nom]Can we please put an end to prioritizing this as news? This happens thousands of times per day and It's not news. I hate when fads go through media outlets.[/citation]

i like reading news like this
A media blackout on those hacks would be very beneficial to protect us all from the legislative branch of the govt. I dont want to have to setup a darknet node in a near future.

Thank you.
Ha...these hackers continue to HIDE behind their keyboards. Eventually it will catch up to them, and someone like me will bust their lip with THEIR keyboard. I am really getting tired of these hackers. I bet certain governments will to, and figure out how to GET THEM.
There are several security sites that report this stuff every day, they also list known vulnerabilities so companies like Sony can decide if they believe potential problems exist or if they just need another legal team.
[citation][nom]buzznut[/nom]ok now game developers? This is really sad, and idiotic. Bioware is a great company and they make awesome games because they care about their customers. Truly this is stupid defined.[/citation]

They obviously didn't know about the vulnerability, or they would have fixed it. You clearly have zero knowledge of computer security. It's impossible to 100% secure a machine, period. There will all be exploits and vulnerabilities.
If you don't like the articles it simply don't read something that says a certain site got hacked.. It's not hard..

And sure you will uten.. Give me a break.. I don't like these guys doing this either as it does nothing but make all hackers look bad.

(Puts tinfoil hat on) This simply could be part of a government conspiracy, so they can get tougher laws passed. (Removes tinfoil hat).. But honestly I just think it's a bunch of trolls that get off frustrating people.
[citation][nom]fracture[/nom]True, all this is doing is helping the cyber security act to go through. Although it is pretty suspicious that this cyber security act came out before all this hacking news.[/citation]

It would be significantly more supsicious if it came out after. As is the timing is coincidental; it could have been convenient.
[citation][nom]fracture[/nom]True, all this is doing is helping the cyber security act to go through. Although it is pretty suspicious that this cyber security act came out before all this hacking news.[/citation]
This is just flavor of the month news. They bring this stuff up in congress and the media outlets see an opportunity to ride this subject and milk it for profits and ratings.

Pretty soon we'll be having coverage of how teenage masturbation causes violence and is the reason people go on shooting sprees. Fox News will of course condemn the act or mere thought of doing such things to ones self, while MSNBC will argue and logically point out that It's completely irrelevant and unrelated. CNN meanwhile will pretend they don't pick sides and are bipartisan, but we really know they'll make hints and euphemisms.
[citation][nom]Pyroflea[/nom]They obviously didn't know about the vulnerability, or they would have fixed it. You clearly have zero knowledge of computer security. It's impossible to 100% secure a machine, period. There will all be exploits and vulnerabilities.[/citation]

Those are noy 0day sploits... they use KNOWN vulnerabilities in UNPATCHED front end servers. Most likely a sql injection script with a vulnerability scanner to find targets.

Incompetence is the problem. If they can do it the Chinese are doing it silently at this very moment.
[citation][nom]Pyroflea[/nom]They obviously didn't know about the vulnerability, or they would have fixed it. You clearly have zero knowledge of computer security. It's impossible to 100% secure a machine, period. There will all be exploits and vulnerabilities.[/citation]

Why is that obvious? From information on security sites about lulzsec they aren't writing hacks, just exploiting OLD vulnerabilities with a prefab hack kit. Doesn't really require any technical knowledge at all. So far, just about every site hacked in recent news was hacked because they were way out of date on security updates. Do you have inside information that this is something other than more of the same?

This is not the result of a grand hack, it's the result of a code kiddie hitting a server that the owner was negligent in maintaining.
"So far this was the only server system known to have been affected by the unauthorized attack."

When where there authorized attacks?
[citation][nom]geef[/nom]I'd suggest just making a small part of the site called "sites that got hacked today" and then people can click on it and check it if/when they want to.[/citation]

Also section called "The world according to Steve Jobs" for all Apple-related news.
[citation][nom]tommysch[/nom]A media blackout on those hacks would be very beneficial to protect us all from the legislative branch of the govt. I dont want to have to setup a darknet node in a near future.Thank you.[/citation]
Agreed, I would rather have my personal info stolen repeatedly than give up yet more freedoms to the government.
[citation][nom]Zingam[/nom]Well, they better fix the single player action because it sucks big time. Only DNF is worse. I mean ME games have best story ever in a game. The atmosphere is amazing. The world, the aliens, the environments, etc but then come the action sequences and they are bad. They weren't great in ME1 (nothing groundbreaking) but they were subpar in ME2. I'd prefer to watch this game as a movie rather than playing the boring action parts that were a poor GoW rip-off. In ME1 the weapons were at least innovative but with these thermal clips they felt in ME2 like standard weapons from any CoD game.[/citation]

ME1 was pretty close to perfect except for inventory management, which was an absolute pain for selling and cleaning out. Oh and that you got all the best weapons early...
Why the hell would you attack Bethesda? What have they done? Was Oblivion not good enough for you? Come on, now... you can wait while they actually take their time and make games which are actually polished and enjoyable...
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