I will just say, instead of listening to a pro stance for Obama, get the numbers of oil production, etc elsewheres, like I did with a pdf in another thread, where it shows where Obama has any influence, fed lands and off shore, numbers are way way down, and on private and state lands, way way way up.
So, it would be a matter of course to question whoever is giving out this Obama has done well info, other than himself, but again, he is a hypocrite, as said earlier, and only expands on this.
He is always reaching out to anyone wanting a freebie, and not instilling a self reliance in his approach, nor his actions. He finds the contitution limiting as to what he wants to do for people, which again, is all part of doing for others with someone elses money, without propping up those that can and do do for themselves first, in this horrible economy, and only asks for more from the givers, so he can take that abd give it to the takers, instead of trying to get the takers on their own, even if he somehow could help the givers. You can replace the givers with terms like entrepeneurs or business owners if you dont get it.
As he does all this, he creates a gap, a seperation between the givers and the takers, and does the opposite, as hes claimed to be a unifier, again, more hypocitic actions, which does nothing but deflect the fact hes not improved the economy, which again, his only responsible words were, if the economy isnt improved, he doesnt deserve to be reelected, again hypocracy, and proir he always blamed someone else, and knowing he can no longer do this, uses deflections of class warfare.
This in my mind makes him a little man, not responsible, not wanting to be a giver himself, but a champion of groups who take, which many are filled with corruption, theivery and laziness, where a good hand up, and not hand out would do wonders, as well as more oversight, where again, he goes on about such things about the givers, needing more oversight, more regultation, but is loath to do it in his own back yard, against the takers, again, hypocracy
Need I go on?