Birthers struck down again

They are a bunch of idiots proving nothing that Obama is illegally here.I hope they deport that piece of crap who started this the Israeli dentist I forgot her name.
I see where you are coming from.
List 5 things that you dislike Obama for as president.
Hes a huge hypocrite
Hes anti oil, in these times of low job availability, and our future
He asked what the country can do for you, instead of the other way around
Obamacare is unconstitutional, as well as anti religious
He uses class warfare, wants to put extreme taxation on business and successful people, saying it will help, when it will only hurt, and his overall handling of the economy, he himself said he shouldnt be elected if things werent drastically much better, which they arent, but hes running not on his policy, but using class warfare etc, and shows his hypocrasy, as his policy has obviously failed in these times, and hes too far away to blame anyone else, save the rich
JDJ those are all talking points. Lets expand on some.

Obama has a "better" record of oil production. Not that I agree, and I do agree with the hypocritical part (Realities of office?).

Reynod might I have permission to commit Sepukku? I have brought dishonor unto Toms.
1) Look up what a negative and positive right is. He was just using some law lingo.
2)I would have to see the passage in his book, but maybe he is referring to slavery? I dont know.
3)The merits of capitalism. Heavy topic. I guess maybe my 2 cents would be. Too large to fail.
4)Again debatable.
5) Then so is SS and Medicare.
I will just say, instead of listening to a pro stance for Obama, get the numbers of oil production, etc elsewheres, like I did with a pdf in another thread, where it shows where Obama has any influence, fed lands and off shore, numbers are way way down, and on private and state lands, way way way up.
So, it would be a matter of course to question whoever is giving out this Obama has done well info, other than himself, but again, he is a hypocrite, as said earlier, and only expands on this.
He is always reaching out to anyone wanting a freebie, and not instilling a self reliance in his approach, nor his actions. He finds the contitution limiting as to what he wants to do for people, which again, is all part of doing for others with someone elses money, without propping up those that can and do do for themselves first, in this horrible economy, and only asks for more from the givers, so he can take that abd give it to the takers, instead of trying to get the takers on their own, even if he somehow could help the givers. You can replace the givers with terms like entrepeneurs or business owners if you dont get it.

As he does all this, he creates a gap, a seperation between the givers and the takers, and does the opposite, as hes claimed to be a unifier, again, more hypocitic actions, which does nothing but deflect the fact hes not improved the economy, which again, his only responsible words were, if the economy isnt improved, he doesnt deserve to be reelected, again hypocracy, and proir he always blamed someone else, and knowing he can no longer do this, uses deflections of class warfare.
This in my mind makes him a little man, not responsible, not wanting to be a giver himself, but a champion of groups who take, which many are filled with corruption, theivery and laziness, where a good hand up, and not hand out would do wonders, as well as more oversight, where again, he goes on about such things about the givers, needing more oversight, more regultation, but is loath to do it in his own back yard, against the takers, again, hypocracy
Need I go on?
OK, he did prop up those too big to fail, the banks and auto, as the other side said dont do this, let them struggle, the monies needed elsewheres, then, as any hypocrite would, cites abuses by those bail out companies of kick backs to the higher ups, yet ignores such things in his pet peeves, green economy, again hypocracy.
He doesnt take charge, and go after these people, and if he does, its for symbolism, yet again, in his own back yard, we find nothing, again, hypocracy.
Need I go on?
Anyone with the mindset that people cling to their guns, or their bibles as a negative, and ignore what this has meant for this country, as they were the ones that created it, abolished slavery needs to get back to reality, and history as well.
They arent the enemy, they arent a group of unforgiving, non flexable people, but hes so far out there, he simply doesnt understand, yet accuses this group of that very thing, again, hypocracy thru ignorance this time, at least.....
Another deflection away from his inabilities and our main problems is, he insists on the Buffet rule, he says, it will stabilize our current needs in Washington, as per debt etc.

He lies, as his own budget office states it does little to help, but its used to get people fired up against the rich, very devisive, does little to no go, as this money can be used to create more spending, not helping with our debt, and it makes people think hes concerned about fairness, making him one with them, which as said will have no effect, deflects the true issues as our debt, regulation strangulation etc etc, as again, he uses lies to the sheeple, which is not acceptable for our president, we deserve better.

This isnt about feeling better, and in doing so, disrupting peoples lives, and what it is about, he simply wont address, not in his back yard

Isnt private land drilling up and federal drilling down? He shouldn't take credit for the private drilling.

Meh, we got some oil rigs.... Welcome brentknack im sure we will have lots to chat about.

Check the 2009 + 2010 production numbers vs the prior decade Im too tired / lazy. I would rather be off oil altogether so i could give two shitz about how much oil is coming up. Its just Im not sure that talking point really reflects whats happening and how much is external forces.

You know @ Old Man Ive been reading into speculation and am seeing some interesting patterns......
See and hear what Romney wants to cut in his selfish policies if GOD FORBID he becomes president.
Adding 4.5 billion a year wont help much, maybe a bridge or two, which only shows theyre already paying alot anyways, and itd be somewhat unfair to ask for even more, and can have economic casualties as well.
As for cuts, what do we do?
Make drastic huge cuts before we go under like Spain or Greece or Italy, or make adjustments now.
The tax rates, the VAT is huge in Europe, and their taxes are high as well, and it hasnt stopped them from giving more money than they have away.
There has to be a balance, and looking at the deficits we now share, all US citizens, its not from too little taxes, its from spending.
If Obama comes up with matching cuts in spending, this 4.5 billion a year, then I will start to listen

Thank you Wanamingo. But you really have to look where the production is taking place private vs federal. Now if you want to be off oil like here in the U.S. Oil and nuclear power is about what 60% of our power output. What would you replace that with? Wind or solar? What would happen with the energy prices if you had to replace that much energy? Talk about high prices. Now I am not talking from both ends of my mouth. Here in Texas we can choose our energy company. Now I can pick a company that is 0% renewable or I can choose a company that is 100% Texas wind farm for about .5 cents per kW more. I choose the renewable. I have no problem with renewable but it has to be cost effective and for me in this one case it is. But there is no way oil will go away anytime soon.

Yes, because things are so much better under Obama. Four more years, four more years.