bit coin mineing

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Paul Hackenberger

Jun 9, 2013
i am just starting out and i want to try it and i need help i don't plan to live off them just of a little more cash each week.
I have a wallet and i need a WORKING pool to mine in i have tried slush's pool but i cant connect to it i don't know why if any one can help that would be great
The difficulty level has risen to the point that CPU/GPU mining is no longer viable. FPGA mining is still going strong, but it requires multiple rigs if you intend to mine seriously. Multiple rigs increases the amount of power required. It will forever cost more in electricity and hardware than you can recover through the coins themselves.
It is more cost effective to just buy BC with actual money, rather than try to mine them yourself. Unless of course it is a solar/wind powered array, completely off the grid.

This, of course, assumes you're ready to hope that they will increase in coin per dollar over however long you wish to hold onto them.
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