News Bitcoin Difficulty and Hash Rate Reach All-Time High as Price Plummets

But as the Bitcoing [sic] mining difficulty increases while the price Bitcoin price [sic] decreases, will it be that profitable to buy and deploy new mining hardware at a rapid pace going forward? ...
Once again, where are the editors at THG? As for the statement content, marginal analysis is very basic to economics. It doesn't matter whether the overall price of Bitcoin is rising or falling ... mining will increase as long as marginal revenue exceeds marginal cost. Period.
Cryptapocalypse commences?

Here we go again... didn't people learn already? You can't predict crypto unless you're in the 1% that owns it and controls it.

We had this discussion half a year ago too and then what happened? It bounced back higher than before...

Click bait title, amateurish article based on wishes and dreams.
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Lets be clear, crypto has risen to enormous heights in the last couple years, something in the neighborhood of two trillion dollars.
That isn't going away.
It isn't a fad.
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