Bizarre pc won't shut down


Mar 7, 2013
Alright first sorry if this is in the wrong section, I didn't really know where to put it.

So my pc won't turn off. I was trying to put a new graphic card in my computer. My specs are asrock g965m-s with a q6600 and corsair ddr2 2gb sticks. So I was putting in my new card and it shocked my pc which made it turn on. So I turned it off by the power button. Shortly after I was in my bios and I noticed my cup was 125 c. I was like that couldn't be right. So I turn it off again and put new paste on it and reseated my h100 back onto it. Still 125 c. Now my pc started to act really weird, I can't even turn it off by holding the power button. I have to turn it off by themail switch on the power supply. I even tried to see what may cause it not turn by even unplugging everything, with everything out, no graphics card, no cpu, no memory, I turn the switch on the power supply and it just powers on its own without even pressing the button. Ithe even powers on by it self when the cpu is I just want to get your guys judgement. I think the board might be no good anymore. Oh I can't even get it to even the bios now either. It's blank screen.
That works..... 🙂

There is usually some point of diminishing returns and, as a friend of mine said it, we run out of "intellectual curiosity".


Does "it shocked my pc" mean an electrostatic spark/shock?

Did you have the computer turned off and unplugged while putting in the new graphic card?

Could be that the computer's on/off button is shorted out effectively leaving the computer on.

Check that switch and, with power off, test it with a multi-meter to see if the switch has failed. You will need to get help to do that testing if you do not know how to do it.

The other matter is the CPU ("cup was 125 C"). Do the cooling fans run when power is on?

What PSU are you using and what wattage is it?

I am sort of concerned that some power connections could be incorrect. But there are other possibilities including a possibly failed PSU.
I'm not to sure if it was electric shock or what but it zapped it on. And yeah the computer was off when I was putting the card in. No the button works cause I just it hooked up another motherboard the button works. And the fans do turn on when the system is on. It's just weird I can't turn my pc on or off, the only way is through the switch on the power supply. And it's not the power supply cause I also tried another psu as way.