Black Ops 1 Lagging With HIS HD 7770


Mar 22, 2017
Helo everyone, I need your help for lag issues and screen tearing

here is my system:
Intel C2D E8400 run at stock speed
Varro G41 Motherboard
Visipro 2x2GB DDR3 1600 run at 533mhz (max can I get)
Seagate 500gb 7200rpm
HIS Radeon HD 7770 1GB
LG Flatron LCD Monitor (VGA)
Windows 7 Sp1 64 bit
Driver Radeon Software Crimson realive 17.2.1

I ran Call of Duty Black Ops 1 and get too many lag in the first two mission. Never run the game further. I've try to decrease resolution and graphic setting to very low but it still lag. I see on MSI afterburner that FPS down to 4,5 and GPU Usage is under 55%.

Just for comparison, I played Battlefield Bad Company 2, Battlefield 3, Black Ops 2. It run very nice overall.

My question is
1. Is that bottlenecking?
2. If it yes, then why my system can launch the newer one nicely?

My apologize for my bad English mate. Thanks in advance.

Ok I will try to reinstalling the game. CPU usage was more than 90% in Black Ops 1.
Is there any possibility of bottlenecking in my system? Because in other game, I often get screen tearing when the game is in entrance scene (like in most of battlefield games). But during gameplay, it run nice and smooth enough.