Black ops 3 creating crash dumps


Feb 13, 2016
Hi, everytime I play black ops 3 it creates a crash dump file in appdata somewhere and its rly annoying filling up space and stuff The game itself runs fine. So any ideas on how to fix this problem? 970 + 8gigs ram

no it just keeps adding a new one and the only reason i know is because ccleaner alerts me that i have 4gbs+ to clean and 3 of those are crash dumps from bo3

check that the folder they're stored in isn't read only. It could be that it writes to it and then isn't allowed to delete from it or rewrite the existing file and so creates a new one.

i will check that tomorrow and update you

well theres a square in the read-only so what should i do?

unmark it so it isn't read only

in the properties after i apply it just resets to the black square inside the little box

Well that's about as far as my knowledge goes, just did a quick google search and other people have issues with not being able to turn off read only. I suggest doing your own research into seeing if anyone has been able to find a solution. Could be a case of going into a setting somewhere and making sure that you the User has full authority to change stuff like that. Sorry I can't be of more help.

ok tnx for the help!