Black screen after I inserted my new video card


Mar 17, 2016
Hello community I need help and I hope you guys can help me.
Ok so I have a dell xps desktop that I bought years ago... and I was trying to upgrade my video card to a better one in order to play high performance game. This is what I have:
XPS 8700
Processor Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-4770CPU @ 3.40GHz (8CPUs)
Memory: 12288MB RAM
DirectX 11
The video card that I have right now is the NVIDIA Geforce GTX 645 and I purchase and PNY 960
I also bought a new powersupply but it still not working.
When I turn on my computer with my video card and monitor is not responding.

People where telling me that I need to buy a new motherboard but I'm not quite sure thats the problem. This is my motherboard that i have right now

What you guys think my problem is?

Thanks in advance, looking forward for a response.


Plug the cable directly into the gpu as integrated graphics will most likely shut off after you install a graphics card.

You have to plug your monitor into the graphics card...