Black screen after installing a new graphics card.

May 16, 2018
So yesterday I upgraded my graphics card to an Asus Phoenix GTX 1050 TI
After installing it succesfully and playing some games for about 3 hours without any problems. Multiple games like Fortnite and League of Legends started to error and bugsplat.. when watching youtube videos it had trouble keeping up with the audio of the video it was lagging behind.. I decided to turn off my pc to maybe help fix the problem. Sadly after doing that my pc shows a black screen and the GPU starts to make a loud noise. Its like a airplane lifting off. I can not access the bios and I have not yet tried to install my old graphics card to see what happens.. can anyone help?

What im really uncertain about is that my GPU requires a 300 minimum Watt and my PSU supplies 320 Watt.
I thought that was enough so idk if that is the problem.
So I did try to install my old GPU.. and literally the same problem.. except this GPU doesn't sound like an airplane.. the PC starts up but it doesn't seem to connect to my monitor.. i have tried switching cables.. but sadly no..
Neither with my new graphics card and the old one will the pc boot up
EDIT: I tried installing the new GPU again the 1050 TI.. and it isn't actually the GPU that makes the loud airplane noise.. its the CPU fan.. Im honestly so clueless at this point!