Black screen after installing video drivers.


Feb 23, 2016
So i got this ASUS 7850 DirectCU II from a friend. problem is after video drivers are installed the screen goes black after Starting Windows. I can start at safe mode go to bios and all that just fine.
It seem i have found the issue but dont know how to fix it. when i disable display adaper of my 7850 in device manager i can start windows normally but after it's on its the same black screen. So im guessing that display adapter is causing this issue. If anybody knows how to fix this please help.
Full PC specs:
Motherboard ASROCK FM2A58M-HD+
CPU A8 7600 apu
400watt power supply
2x4 gb of corsair 1600mhz ram
1 tb hdd.
My friend had the same issue by the way that's why he just gave it to me.

I've never tried baking video cards to fix them, it can, but maybe even then it's a temporary fix a lot of times.

I'd also not run a higher power gaming card on a cheap 400 watt power supply, what is the brand /name of your PSU?
that power supply of 400 watts is rather low (actual output will be somewhere around 300-350 watts)..
try to use the GPU in a different PC to check if it's working.. if it's working, then the GPU is fine.. change the power supply to something better..
else, RMA the GPU