Question Black screen and white line top left corner when booting

Jul 7, 2019
Hello, ive been looking around for a solution to my problem without any luck so far.

My issue as described in the title is that whenever i boot i get a black screen with a white line in the top left corner. ive found a way to bypass this by cutting the power to my PC and holding the power button in for 15-30 seconds and then booting. Though i can start the pc its still annoying having to do this whenever i restart, get an update that forces me to restart ect.

My rig is:
i5-4460 3.20GHz
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
223GB KINGSTON SA400S37240G (SATA-2 (SSD))
24,0GB Dual-Channel DDR3

Ive tried doing a system reset (i havent resinstalled windows 10 since i need a USB flashdrive) and made an advanced boot and then a search for the issue without any luck.

Hopefully some of you can help.
its likely a bios setting - given you have same motherboard (or similar, mines an ZZ97 Pro Wifi) I know that its likely how the boot method is setup. restarting PC swaps it back to how it should be.

In windows, can you right click start
choose disk management
open the next window up so you can see all the columns,
need to figure out what format your drives are in so if you can upload a screenshot of this to an image sharing website, and show a link here I can see how bios should be set up.

Win 10 prefers UEFI but bios seems to support both UEFI & Legacy boot in default settings.
on page 2-45 of your manual it shows CSM
by default its enabled, but if your Windows is installed as UEFI, you might want this disabled

MIght also want to turn secure boot on but we wait and see what OS is installed as 1st.

user manual -