Tech-savvy superior beings, I humbly come before you because my rig is having a fit. Whenever I start her up, I get as far as the splashscreen that reminds me which mobo I have, followed by a cursor blinking on a black field for eternity.
Processor: Intel i7-2600k
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Motherboard: MSI P67A-GD65
Hard Drive: Samsung HD103SJ
Lovingly jumbled together based on my perusal of this very site. It has brought me much happiness until now. A thousand pardons if this problem has been resolved in another thread. I have been forced to look for solutions on a smart phone, which is trying my patience. Please respond as though the most advanced computer I have ever operated is an abacus.
Processor: Intel i7-2600k
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Motherboard: MSI P67A-GD65
Hard Drive: Samsung HD103SJ
Lovingly jumbled together based on my perusal of this very site. It has brought me much happiness until now. A thousand pardons if this problem has been resolved in another thread. I have been forced to look for solutions on a smart phone, which is trying my patience. Please respond as though the most advanced computer I have ever operated is an abacus.