Hello guys, i'm really confused right now. I just revive my old unused core2duo system, here is the full spec right now
GA EP35 GS3R Rev 2.1
Sapphire Rx 460 2gb
160 WD as OS
550W Andyson AG-Series 80+silver
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit (Windows is freshly installed)
CM Hyper 212x
LG Flatron L177WSB
I have 2 problem right now. (i'll provide spec in the bottom)
1. I just bought rx 460 2gb sapphire and use an active HDMI to VGA converter to connect it to my monitor (i don't have HDMI port). The problem is, when i first fire up the system the screen would display artifact like crazy. (I tested on my GT 710 it should be the screen if you want to enter bios not artifact). If i press delete, it'll go to the bios without any artifact, the same goes if i enter windows. Just a clean normal display, doesn't see any artifact. I tested the converter with my laptop to my screen too and it was fine. Should i just RMA this ?
Here is the image of it : http://imgur.com/a/jCAeu
2. This is the main problem. If i update my gpu driver (i've tried 4 different version. 16.11.5 , 17.1.2 , 17.4.4 , 17.5.1) and then restart the system, my monitor power button will turn to orange. Which means it like it doesn't recieve any image from the gpu (it should be blue if working properly and displaying image). But the monitor didn't said "No Signal" or something like that, it's just black. But if i shut it down, and power it up once again it will display image until windows logo then it will be black again.
The black screen will happen if :
I restart the system,
i go to bios and then exit,
lastly after windows logo.
I could boot into safe mode, i can uninstall the driver using DDU, but if i restart it still black, it won't show any image unless i really shut it down. Been searching for hours and hours about this but found nothing.
I just notice that windows still running even though there is no image displayed. I could say this because i could turn my keyboard num lock on and off. I tried to plug my external hard drive and the led indicated that it can be use. So what did i do is : Press windows button > press right > right > enter. As i thought, my system went sleep. And i fire it up again, here is the most odd thing. Now it display image and i'm on windows log on screen, after that everything runs normally. Any idea what the heck is this ?
Don't say the driver was corrupt, i've downloaded 4 different version of 'em
3. Random black screen now occurs while running a game, I tried to becnhmark Shadow of Mordor few times, monitor suddenly go "power saving mode".
Things that i've tried :
1.Resetting CMOS
2.Draining static electricity
3.putting back my GT 710 but now it won't boot from restart, need to shut down completely too (haven't tried to install this gpu driver).
4.Reinstalling windows twice.
I'm so dead right now idk what to do anymore
GA EP35 GS3R Rev 2.1
Sapphire Rx 460 2gb
160 WD as OS
550W Andyson AG-Series 80+silver
Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit (Windows is freshly installed)
CM Hyper 212x
LG Flatron L177WSB
I have 2 problem right now. (i'll provide spec in the bottom)
1. I just bought rx 460 2gb sapphire and use an active HDMI to VGA converter to connect it to my monitor (i don't have HDMI port). The problem is, when i first fire up the system the screen would display artifact like crazy. (I tested on my GT 710 it should be the screen if you want to enter bios not artifact). If i press delete, it'll go to the bios without any artifact, the same goes if i enter windows. Just a clean normal display, doesn't see any artifact. I tested the converter with my laptop to my screen too and it was fine. Should i just RMA this ?
Here is the image of it : http://imgur.com/a/jCAeu
2. This is the main problem. If i update my gpu driver (i've tried 4 different version. 16.11.5 , 17.1.2 , 17.4.4 , 17.5.1) and then restart the system, my monitor power button will turn to orange. Which means it like it doesn't recieve any image from the gpu (it should be blue if working properly and displaying image). But the monitor didn't said "No Signal" or something like that, it's just black. But if i shut it down, and power it up once again it will display image until windows logo then it will be black again.
The black screen will happen if :
I restart the system,
i go to bios and then exit,
lastly after windows logo.
I could boot into safe mode, i can uninstall the driver using DDU, but if i restart it still black, it won't show any image unless i really shut it down. Been searching for hours and hours about this but found nothing.
I just notice that windows still running even though there is no image displayed. I could say this because i could turn my keyboard num lock on and off. I tried to plug my external hard drive and the led indicated that it can be use. So what did i do is : Press windows button > press right > right > enter. As i thought, my system went sleep. And i fire it up again, here is the most odd thing. Now it display image and i'm on windows log on screen, after that everything runs normally. Any idea what the heck is this ?
Don't say the driver was corrupt, i've downloaded 4 different version of 'em
3. Random black screen now occurs while running a game, I tried to becnhmark Shadow of Mordor few times, monitor suddenly go "power saving mode".
Things that i've tried :
1.Resetting CMOS
2.Draining static electricity
3.putting back my GT 710 but now it won't boot from restart, need to shut down completely too (haven't tried to install this gpu driver).
4.Reinstalling windows twice.
I'm so dead right now idk what to do anymore