Black Screen Crashes (very detailed description)


May 6, 2012
Okay, this message is going to be a bit long, but bear with me....
Basically I built this computer last summer and ever since I have been having issues. I RMA'd my initial graphics card thinking that it was the issue but I am starting to realize that there is a deeper issue. So pretty much while gaming my PC will go to a black screen and be unresponsive to anything but a hard reboot. I cant do anything on this screen and the sound loops for a second or two. Sometimes the crash will go into a grey striped screen which apparently is common on AMD cards (specs will be posted after the message). I have done memory tests which come up okay with no errors. I have no overheating on either my CPU or GPU from my tests. I did a diagnostic on my HDD and it came back positive aswell. So far there have been no things that would lead me to believe that this computer is faulty, but it always happens when I am gaming.

Gigabyte AMD 7850 gpu (it came with a stock OC of 975 mhz and 1200 mhz on gpu memory, I know that could be important)
Intel i5-2500 processor
corsair enthusiast series tx750 750w power supply
8gb of corsair ddr3 1600 ram (the ram for some reason runs at 1333 according to my bios could this be playing a part?)
Asus p8z77-v lk motherboard

I have changed PCI-E cables from the power supply, changed slots on the motherboard for the GPU, and have also cleaned the living hell out of every component on this darn thing. Could it be a settings issue? Is there anything I should tweak to check it out? On another side note, I have crashed in almost every game besides Metro 2033 surprisingly. Anything from TF2 and Half Life 2 to Far Cry 3 crashes, but I have never had a crash on Metro and even while recording. This is what leads me to think that it may be something to do with some settings on the computer that I would need to fix.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
two things that cause a screen to black out is gpu over heat or lack of power. i would run down a check list to rule out stuff.
1. make sure the mb bios is up to it max rev.
2. cpu ram speed...turn on xmp profle in bios.
3. make sure asus mb running in standard mode not over clock bost mode..changes the ram to cpu bus speed and can cause lock ups.
4. download msi afterburn set a good fan profile speed. (50c have fan on max). make sure the fan is spinning up to max speed.
if system is still crashing see if someone has another power supply or rma the one you have. under load the power supply or a part is locking up most times it the power supply 12v line.

If you dont mind me asking what do you mean by max rev.? I just turned on xmp profile played TF2 and crashed. The board is running in standard mode, and I always run my fans at 100%. So this is pretty much looking like a power supply problem huh?
gpu fans are controlled not the same as a cpu or case fan. the gpu vendors to keep the gpu from sounding let jet engines in the firmware of the gpu default the gpu fan to a set speed. most times it 20-40 percent. then the bios and drivers set a fan profile for the card. most times the fan wont speed up to max speed till the card start cooking. when i said check the gpu fan and set it to max speed at low temp ramp..trying to see if the gpu fan not working right..or that the bios or drivers installed not ramping the gpu to keep up with the heat the gpu is making. in electronics heat can cause was called a thermal runaway. as more heat is made the faster the flow of electrons are on the card and in the pc system. the faster the flow the more heat is made...there come a point where the flow and heat go beyond the working limits of the cards/system. when that happens the system can lock up or shut down.