Question Black screen in games

Jan 15, 2022
Hello, I have problem, whenever I play games especially like PUBG, CSGO every time when I enter in smoke grenade, or explosion happend my PC go black screen, and I hear GPU fans like Boing 747, this sometime happens in old games whenever is some effects, my monitor goes black but I can hear sound, but also I cant do anything so I must shutdown my PC, oh and I have big strutters in games... I have RX 480 8GB i tried everything but cant fix it
Do PSUs degrade over time ?
The main thing that will wear out in a PSU is capacitors. Usually good prand PSU's using good brand capacitors will unlikely wear out within 5 years. Some cheaper PSU's can have leaky capacitors within a year or two. Running a PSU near to its max output and heat will also shorten the life of it. Its also a good idea to clean out all the dust which will accumulate over time. To do this you need to take out the PSU, open it up (if not under warranty) and used compressed air to blow all the dust out of it
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The main thing that will wear out in a PSU is capacitors. Usually good prand PSU's using good brand capacitors will unlikely wear out within 5 years. Some cheaper PSU's can have leaky capacitors within a year or two. Running a PSU near to its max output and heat will also shorten the life of it. Its also a good idea to clean out all the dust which will accumulate over time. To do this you need to take out the PSU, open it up (if not under warranty) and used compressed air to blow all the dust out of it

Thanks for clarifying

Yes, they do.

Thank you
2 years maybe
Age should not be a concern given this info. But as noted, PSUs can and do degrade over time. That is why a quality PSU should be at the center of any build.

In this scenario, the RX 480 and PSU are the leading culprits for the problem. As described, a classic heat and/or power issue.

Do you have access to another GPU that could be used for testing in your system?