Black screen, no signal, hardware runs, windows - no

The Protagonist

Mar 2, 2014
Hello bright minds,

I guess you already scared seeing such a long post, but what can I say - mystical issue needs to be detailed as much as possible.
The problem I'll describe appears rarely, but when it does - I'm clueless.
So here's the whole story:
First time it appeared a year (or so) ago. Black screen, monitor says no signal, windows wont launch (I know because sound was on, also it doesn't go to sleep mode), but everything spins inside. I went to my friend, we tried everything, and found out my gtx 660 was dead. Gpu was replaced by warranty with another 660 and life went on - 660 was replaced by 950, 950 was replaced by 1050ti... And two days ago I bought 970. After installation, the old shitty story repeated: Black screen, no signal, hardware runs, except I heard windows launched succesfuly. I was like "ok, I bought faulty gpu, luckily it's on warranty", so switched 1050ti back. And then the same! Desperately I jumped into car and went to buy a new hdmi cable - at least to try something. But shops were already closed. When I returned and tried tu turn on pc again - everything was fine again. Monitor works, hardware works, windows works. I put 970 back again and everything works!
Today put my pc into sleep mode for a couple hours while shopping. When I returned - again black screen, no signal, hardware runs, and even windows wont boot. I tried "remove power cord and hold power button for 1 minute" method, but didnt succeed. Pulled my rams out and put it back - nothing. But then I moved my rams to another slots (my mb has 4 ram slots), and then I finally succeed. Is my MB faulty? Why this problem reappears sometimes?
Some facts:
- Monitor is fine;
- Hdmi cable is faulty (red or green pixels on screen if you bend cable agressively), but still does it's job;
- Mb beeps once everytime launching or restarting my system, but I doubt it indicates ram issue, I think it's one of those "everything is fine, I'm ready to run" beeps;
- Cpu is heavily overclocked on 4+1 MB, with water cooler (by this guide:
- Mb's vrm's are heatsinked with additional copper heatsinks
- Every component on my build runs on safe temps

Is my MB faulty? Why this problem reappears sometimes?

My rig:
FX 6300 @ 4.5Ghz + CM Seidon 240V (keeps temps below 60c, both socket and core)
Asus m5a78l-m/usb3 heatsinked
Zotac gtx 970
2x4gb Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1866(O.C.)
Samsung Evo 850 250gb
WD Blue 1tb
Corsair CX600

Sorry for clumsy english.

I would say try resetting the bios on the MB. Once it boots, first thing is to update the bios with the latest version if you haven't already. Try running it at default speeds for a while and see if it causes the same issues.
This could all be you Power supply causing these issues, maybe not supplying the right watts. Then it's then it's not so with all this being said very odd. i would get a power supply tester and check it or replace it under warranty if possible

PSU is one of my main suspects. Though it's not low end crap, still it's rated as a tier 4 of 6. All of my components (except ssd and gpu) are 3 years old, so no wonder some of them might getting faults.

It happened only a few times, waiting for "another time" might take the whole year. But what I noticed:
gtx 660 140W - issue
gtx 950 75W version - no issues
gtx 1050ti 75W - no issues (only after inserting 970)
gtx 970 145W - story revived.

It really must be MB or PSU, both entry level. I'm very concerned it might damage my pretty gtx 970.
It happens PSU fails out of no where, When turning off your pc. Do you turn it off then flip the switch off immediately after? That's how i ruined my very expensive 1200 watt psu lol. I didn't know that after pc is shut down PSU fan stayed on to cool it off. So ended up slowly killing it. I spent 360 dollars on it hahah, but it did last a good solid 4 years. Till i started having random voltage problems. Mine was the 5 volt rail. I would keep getting random warning messages from my mobo saying voltages are dropping to low random crashed boot problems. Then One day it didnt turn on, i think it's a capacitor problem a simple fix. Just sitting on the side collecting dust. Point of this is PSU can cause many odd issues to your system make it look like problems are elsewhere when they are not.

I rarely turn off my pc, but when I do - I never flip psu switch, unless I'm replacing something in my pc. Usually my rig runs all the day, and during the night I switch it to sleep mode.
I ordered XFX TS 650W Gold (83€), which will make a couple tier jump from CX600 for me. I pulled my gtx 970 out till I'll get that psu. I'll be surprised if even then problem persists.
I'll update if I won't forget.